Sunday, November 3, 2013

CTS Interview -Placement Preparation Material

(Duration : 80 mins) (Negative Marking : No)

Choose the option which is the antonym (word with opposite meaning) of the highlighted
The woman was seeking an erudite man to be her husband.
(A) ignorant (B) dumb (C) poor (D) wicked
Identify the cause and effect statements from the given statements
1. Importance of Yoga and exercise is being realized by all sections of the society.
2. There is an increasing awareness about health in the society
(A) Statement I is the
cause and statement
II is its effect.

(B) Statement II is the
cause and statement I
is its effect.
(C) Both the
statements I and II are
independent causes.
(D) Both the statements I
and II are effects of
independent causes.
Choose the antonym of the word VEHEMENT.
(A) Ardent (B) Emphatic (C) Fervent (D) Feeble
Choose the word that is similar in meaning to the highlighted word
(A) Acclaim (B) Dispute (C) Prohibit (D) Fret
Choose the pair, which has a relationship similar to MONEY : EMBEZZLEMENT
(A) Radiation : Bomb (B) Writing : Plagiarism (C) Remarks : Insult (D) Bank : Cashier
Choose the correct usage of the words wreath and wreathe.
(A) They placed a
wreath upon his
(B) He bought a
wreathe for hundred
(C) The smoke
wreathed up to the
(D) Joyce arrived, her bright
round face wreathed in
Choose the correct usage of the words storey
and story.
(A) The building has
hundred stories.
(B) He refused to
believe my story.
(C) Do not cook
up a story.
(D) The storey is too long to
complete in one day.
Please choose the correct option to fill in the blank.
Either the assistants or the manager failed in ______ duty.
(A) his (B) their (C) your (D) None of the above
Please choose the relevant option to fill in the blank.
_________ can work together.
(A) You and I (B) I and You (C) I as well as You (D) You as well as I
Please choose the correct option to fill in the blank.
Several _____ were carried out in his village during the festival.
(A) writes (B) rights (C) rites (D) rits
A young man eager to become a master swordsman journeyed to the home of the greatest
teacher of swordsmanship in the kingdom. He asked the teacher, “How quickly can you
teach me to be a master swordsman?” The old teacher replied, “It will take ten years.”
Unsatisfied, the young man asked, “What if I am willing to work night and day, every day of
the year?” the teacher replied, “In that case, it will take twenty years.”
The teacher’s main point is that an important quality of a master swordsman is
(A) humility
(B) willingness to work hard
(C) respect for one’s elders
(D) patience
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
Choose the correct sentences.
A) The prisoner was set at liberty.
B) I feel somewhat better today.
C) His brother travels in first class.
D) There is no harm to go there.
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
Choose the incorrect sentence.
a) Notwithstanding his financial acumen, the new CEO is not well liked.
b) Mr. and Mrs. Smith have a son at your age.
c) Are you interested in studying English ?
d) They were so tired after the long trip, so right upon arrival from the airport, they went into
the room.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a
coherent paragraph.
A. To avoid this, the QWERTY layout put the keys most likely to be hit in rapid succession on
opposite sides. This made the keyboard slow, the story goes, but that was the idea.
B. A different layout, which had been patented by August Dvorak in 1936, was shown to be
much faster.
C. The QWERTY design (patented by Christopher Sholes in 1868 and sold to Remington in
1873) aimed to solve a mechanical problem of early typewriters.
D. Yet the Dvorak layout has never been widely adopted, even though (with electric
typewriters and then PCs) the antijamming rationale for QWERTY has been defunct for
E. When certain combinations of keys were struck quickly, the type bars often jammed.
Choose the incorrect sentence(s)
a) I have less papers to write than last year.
b) I have less work today than yesterday.
c) We spent less than forty dollars on our trip.
d) He is less than six feet tall.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
Choose the option to fill in the blank.
You can get there ___ bus or ___ foot.
(A) by, by (B) with, with (C) by, on (D) on, by
Choose the apt option to fill in the blank.
Nowadays Nithya is _____ busy to take care of her health.
(A) very (B) so (C) much (D) too
Select the option that can be substituted for the given sentence.
Chatter rapidly and unintelligibly.
(A) Chatter (B) Gossip (C) Invoke (D) Jabber
Read the following passage and answer the questions below.
On a morning early in August, 1915, the Brigade disembarked at Havre without mishap to
man, horse, or material, and proceeded to a Rest Camp on the outskirts of the town. We
were in France at last! The same evening the Batteries started to entrain, and every two
hours a complete unit was despatched up the line—to an unknown destination. The men
received refreshments at various Halts, and the horses were duly watered and fed, but the
journey was, on the whole, long and tedious. On one occasion only was the monotony
broken, and that unwittingly, by the humour of one of the officers. In the course of the
evening, the train stopped at a small station, and the compartment in which the officers were
settled drew up in front of the Buffet. Some one asked where we were, and a subaltern,
anxious to display his newlyacquired
knowledge of French, replied, "Bouvette," which
called forth no response. Shortly afterwards the train proceeded on its way, and the
occupants of the carriage settled themselves down to sleep. All passed quietly for the next
couple of hours—then the train stopped once more, and, as luck would have it, again our
carriage came to a standstill directly opposite the buffet of the station. At once a question
was asked as to our whereabouts. The same subaltern, shaking himself out of a deep
slumber, stretched, roused himself, and, peering out of the window, exclaimed, "Good Lord',
still at this beastly hole, 'Bouvette'!" He expressed much surprise at the "unseemly mirth," as
he described it, which followed!!
After detraining, the Battery marched through beautiful country, which reminded one of the
Borders, as it was not unlike the valley of the Tweed, and we were at once taken to the
hearts of the inhabitants of the good village of Seningham, which place was destined to be
our home for the next few days. The officers were afforded spacious accommodation in the
house of the Maire, whilst the men had comfortable billets in the neighbourhood. Time was
spent making our unit shipshape after its travels by land and sea, and the "hairies" obtained
as much grazing as possible, to make them fit for what was in store for them. It was
wonderful how quickly the men adapted themselves to French ways, and much amusement
was caused by their eager, if somewhat unsuccessful, attempts to master the language of
our Allies.
When it became known that the officers were anxious to increase their knowledge of the
language of the country, the maidens of the village vied with one another to obtain posts as
instructresses, and there was nearly a free fight amongst them for the possession of our
worthy Senior Subaltern, whose taking ways did not fail to catch their attention!
But, alas! our peaceful warfare was not to be for long! One morning sudden orders came
through to prepare for the line in a couple of days' time. All was instant bustle, extra
grooming was given to the horses, and finishing touches were put to the howitzers and
vehicles. We were to be given a trial in action to show how we would comport ourselves
before joining the "Feet" of our own Division, the Guards, who at that time were out at rest.
For this purpose we were to be placed under the orders of the C.R.A. of an Indian Division,
to reinforce the Batteries already in positions and receive instruction from them.
At last the morning arrived to move off, the column, skirting the town of St. Omer, took the
main road to Hazebrouck, and, as we passed through the village of Arques, we caught a first
glimpse of our future infantry. They appeared equally keen on seeing their new artillery, and
inspected us with a critical eye. The march was made in easy stages, and on the morning of
the third day the Brigade arrived at Merville, a quaint old town in Flemish Flanders. After a
hasty lunch, the officers rode ahead, in order to get into touch with the unit we were to
support in the line, and another amusing incident happened en route. One of the Junior
Officers owned a sturdy mare, whose reputation as a charger was apt to be ridiculed by his
companions, as she was notorious for her slow gait. When the party had proceeded some
distance at the trot, "Halting Hilda" was observed, to the astonishment of everyone, to be
gradually taking the lead. This fact called forth the remark from her master, "By Jove, she is
pulling extraordinarily hard today: what can be the matter with the animal?" It was then
discovered that the rider had been at her mercy for the last couple of miles, the bit clanking
merrily from side to side under her great jaw. In the hurry and excitement of departure, after
lunch! the bit had not been replaced in her mouth!
Q19: What does the term "hairies" in the passage mean?
(A) Smoke from the train (B) French maidens (C) The trees (on the road side) (D) Horses
Q20: Why did the Brigade moved out of the village where house of the Maire was
(A) They received
orders to learn French
(B) They received
orders to go home and
take rest.
(C) They received
orders to join the
infantry unit.
(D) They received
orders to join the
cavalry unit.
Q21: What happens when an artillery unit is shelled out of its existing gun position?
(A) They are supposed to
take the alternate gun
(B) They are
supposed to go
(C) They are supposed to fire
join infantry unit and fight
(D) None
of the
Q22: Why did the French ladies in the village had a free fight amongst them?
(A) To obtain posts as
(B) To get the attention of
the soldiers.
(C) For the possession
of Subaltern
(D) None of the
Q23: Why was "Halting Hilda" moving fast?
(A) As the enemy was
attacking, the unit was
moving fast.
(B) After
lunch it
(C) The rider was
beating the horse to
go fast.
(D) A bit was clanking merrily
from side to side under her
great jaw.
Choose the best option to fill in the blank.
The heavily loaded cart _______ along the road.
(A) slogged (B) tramped (C) lumbered (D) lurched
The below parts can be rearranged to make a meaningful sentence but there is one extra
word which is not part of the meaningful sentence. Choose the extra word.
afraid not of work evidence have I features seen am I either yet these of
(A) I (B) of (C) work (D) yet
What is the square root of 0.444444444444.... ?
(A) 0.6666666666.... (B) 0.2222222222..... (C) 0.1616161616..... (D) None of the above
What is the value of the following expression?
(1 1/
2)*(1 1/
3)*(1 1/
4)*(1 1/
5)* ..... * (1 1/
(A) 1/100 (B) 99/(100!) (C) (2^98)/(10^98) (D) None of the above
How many pairs of positive integers x,y exist such that HCF of, x,y = 35 and sum of x and y =
(A) 42 (B) 31 (C) 24 (D) 15
How many solutions are possible for the equation a + b + c = 50 so that a,b,c are whole
(A) 240 (B) 648 (C) 984 (D) 1326
What is the reminder when (76543218)75 is divided by 9 ?
(A) 7 (B) 3 (C) 0 (D) 5
There are 3 mangoes and 2 bananas in a fruit basket. A fruit is drawn at random. If a mango
is drawn then it is not replaced and an additional mango is also removed (if present). If it is a
banana, it is replaced and an additional banana is added to the basket. Find the probability
of drawing a banana in the third draw.
(A) 8/125 (B) 7/120 (C) 11/35 (D) 107/140
In a class there are 20 students. A group of 3 students is formed and will sing a song. This
will continue till a distinct group of three students has never been formed earlier (That is the
given 3 students have not formed a group earlier to sing a song). How many songs can be
sung based on this condition?
(A) 60 (B) 3600 (C) 1140 (D) 2170
Find the remainder when 3^126 is divided by 8.
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 7
343^5 + 117649^2 is NOT divisible by
(A) 341 (B) 343 (C) 344 (D) None of the above
The sum of the even numbers between 1 and n is 79*80, where n is an odd number. What is
the value of n?
(A) 159 (B) 147 (C) 133 (D) 125
On a highway, the probability of observing a lorry during a thirtyminute
period is 342/343.
What is the probability of observing a lorry in a tenminute
(A) 342/1029 (B) 114/343 (C) 1/49 (D) 6/7
The number of digits in the value represented by 264 is
(A) 17 (B) 18 (C) 19 (D) 20
If log10 8 + log10 (8x + 1) = log10 (x + 8) + 1, then x is equal to
(A) 2/3 (B) 4 (C) 2 (D) 4/3
Find the highest power of 10 in 203!
(A) 38 (B) 42 (C) 49 (D) None of the above
and Analytical Reasoning
A man wishes to cross a desert and takes 6 days to cross the desert. He can employ helpers
but one can carry only maximum of food and water to last for 4 days at any given point of
time. Can the man cross the desert and if yes what is the minimum number of helpers he
needs to employ? (Note: The helpers should not be left without food).
(A) No. The man cannot cross as the
helpers will be without food.
(B) Yes. He can
cross with 4 helpers.
(C) Yes. He can
cross with 2 helpers.
The citizens of planet nigiet are 6 fingered and have thus developed their decimal system in
base 6. A certain street in nigiet contains 1000 (in base 6) buildings numbered 1 to 1000.
How many 3s are used in numbering these buildings?
(A) 96 (B) 108 (C) 128 (D) 192
Zulus always speak truth and Hutus always speak lies. There are three persons A,B & C. A
met B and said either "I am a Zulu" or "I am a Hutu". We don't know what exactly he said.
Then B meets C and says to C that " A is a Zulu ". Then C replied “No, A is a Hutu ".
How many Zulus are there? Who must be a Zulu?
(A) 2 Zulus and C must
be a Zulu
(B) 1 Zulu and B must
be a Zulu
(C) 2 Zulus and B must
be a Zulu
(D) 2 Zulus and A must
be a Zulu
Between 60 and 100 passengers went on a tour by bus. Each person paid the same amount,
which was a whole number. Total amount is Rs. 3895. How many people went on the trip?
(A) 65 (B) 77 (C) 81 (D) 95
There are 4 thursdays and 4 sundays in a month of 31. Find the first day of the month.
(A) Tuesday (B) Monday (C) Saturday (D) Friday
A farmer has a rose garden. Every day he either plucks 7 or 6 or 24 or 23 roses. The rose
plants are intelligent and when the farmer plucks these number of roses, the next day 37 or
36 or 9 or 18 new roses bloom in the garden respectively. On Monday he counts 189 roses,
he plucks the same number of roses as per his plan on consecutive days and new roses
bloom up as per the intelligence of the plants mentioned above. After some days which of
the following can be the number of roses in the garden?
(A) 4 (B) 37 (C) 7 (D) 30
Choose the option that will replace the question mark so that the pair on the right will have
the same relationship as the pair on the left.
8:81 :: 64:?
(A) 625 (B) 125 (C) 641 (D) None of the above
A prisoner is told "If you tell a lie we will hang you; if you tell the truth we will shoot you."
What can he say to save himself?
(A) You will
hang me
(B) You will
shoot me
(C) The prisoner will not be set free by any of
the above statements
(D) None of the
Choose the option to replace the question mark so that the words on the right have the same
relationship as the words on the left.
Answer the following questions based on the given data.
Five couples for married last week, each on a given day from Monday to Friday.
The names of the women are Anita, Chitra, Kajol, Fatima and Irene.
The names of the men are Piyush, Rajesh, Sathish, Vijay and Shah.
was married on Monday but not to Shah.
got married on Wednesday and Rajesh on Friday but not to Irene.
and Fatima got married the day after Kajol's marriage.
Q49: Who got married on Tuesday?
(A) Fatima (B) Chitra (C) Irene (D) Kajol
Q50: Which day did Kajol got married?
(A) Tuesday (B) Wednesday (C) Thursday (D) Friday
Q51: Who is Irene's husband?
(A) Shah (B) Sathish (C) Vijay (D) None of the above
Q52: Who is Rajesh's wife?
(A) Irene (B) Kajol (C) Anita (D) Chitra
Q53: Which day Shah got married?
(A) Monday (B) Friday (C) Thursday (D) Tuesday
In the given expression '*' stands for addition, '/' stands for subtraction, A stands for 'greater
than' and B stands for 'less than'.
Which of the below expressions are true?
A) 55 * 10 B 62
B) 23 * 12 * 55 A 76 * 5
C) 72 / 22 A 100 / 24
D) 22 * 98 A 66 * 33
(A) A and C (B) B and C (C) D and B (D) D and A
Choose the option that should replace the question mark.
What is/are the statement(s) necessary/sufficient to answer the below question.
Find the value of x and y?
Statements: (1) 6x + 2y = 10
(2) 12x + 4y = 21
(A) Statement 1
alone is sufficient.
(B) Statement 2
alone is sufficient.
(C) BOTH statements
together are sufficient.
(D) Both statements
are not sufficient.
What is/are the statement(s) necessary/sufficient to answer the below question.
What is the age Dinesh ?
Statements : (1) Ratio between the ages of Arul and Dinesh is 4 : 3
(2) After 6 years Arul's age will be 26 years.
(3) Dinesh's father was 28 years when he was born.
(A) Statement 1 and 2 (B) Statement 1 and 3 (C) Statement 2 and 3 (D) Statement 1, 2 and 3
There are six persons A, B, C, D, E, and F in a family. C is the sister of F. B is the brother of
E's husband. D is the father of A and grandfather of F. There are 2 fathers and a mother in
the group: How many male members are there in the group?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
If GO =32, SHE = 49, then SOME is equal to
(A) 62 (B) 52 (C) 56 (D) 68
If A + B means A is the mother of B; A / B means A is the brother of B and A x B means A is
the son of B and A B
means A is the daughter of B, which of the following means C is the
niece of D?
(A) D C
(B) D X PC
(C) C P
/ D (D) P + D / C
In a conference room there are 7 employees namely A,B,C,D,E,F,G. They sit in three rows
such that there are atleast two employees in each row and atleast one female in each row.
The following conditions apply.
who is a female employee and does not sit with A,D and E.
is a male and always sits with B.
sits in row 1 with his friends.
sits in row 3.
is the brother of C.
Q61: How many are females among these 7 employees?
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 3 or 4 (D) None of the above
Q62: Which row has 3 employees seated?
(A) Row 1 (B) Row 2 (C) Row 3 (D) Cannot be determined
Q63: Which of the following is the group of females?
Q64: Which of the following employee's gender cannot be determined?
(A) A (B) B (C) D (D) G
When the below strip shown in the diagram is folded as cube, what is the number on the face
opposite to the face with number 2?
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6
One morning when they went for a jog, Umar and Vinod were talking to each other face to
face. If Vinod's shadow was exactly to the left of Umar, which direction was Umar facing?
(A) South (B) West (C) North (D) East
If NorthEast
becomes West, SouthEast
becomes North and so on. What will West become?
(A) NorthEast
(B) SouthWest
(C) SouthEast
(D) NorthWest
The company PollGiant is very strict and immediately terminates the employees if they
commit mistake in their job. Two employees Anil and Babu conducted a survey regarding
Milk, Tea drinking habits involving 100 people. The data is as shown below. Choose the
right options wrt the data.
(A) Anil will be
(B) Babu will be
(C) Both Anil and Babu will
be terminated
(D) Both Anil and Babu will
stay in the job
A survey on a sample of 25 new cars being sold at a local auto dealer was conducted to see
which of the three popular options air
conditioning, radio and power windows were already
installed. The survey details are in the diagram below.
What is the number of cars that had none of the options?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 7
Assuming the statement given in each question to be true, choose the inference as one of
the following:
(A) True (B) False (C) Uncertain (D) None of the options
Statement: Although the doctor advised Rajesh to take rest he played football.
Inference: Rajesh's condition worsened after he played football.
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
Choose the option containing the values to fill the blanks in the below series.
60,30,20,15, _ , _
(A) 8,2 (B) 12,8 (C) 12,10 (D) 10,5

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