Sunday, November 3, 2013

Computer Networks Question Bank - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs)

Computer Networks Question Bank
1. Discuss the use of computer networks.
2. Describe the features of LAN.
3. What is meant by piggybacking? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
4. How are errors caused in transmission lines?
5. Explain the Binary and Manchester encoding techniques with an example.
6. What is meant by congestion? List the ways of avoiding congestion.
7. Discuss the issues in network security.
8. Explain multiplexing technique.
9. Discuss the problems associated with Backward Learning.
10. What is transport address? Who will assign it?
11. Why is layered architecture of network preferred?

12. What is the principal difference between circuit switching and packet switching?
13. Explain how errors are detected using CRC.
14. What is meant by Pipelining? Discuss the merits and demerits of using this
15. Discuss about any two methods of framing.
16. Compare virtual circuits and datagrams.
17. List the features of internetworking.
18. What is modern and codec?
19. What is flooding? What are its disadvantages?
20. What are the primary services offered by a computer network?
21. Mention the advantages of fiber optics.
22. What is meant by narrow band ISDN?
23. What is the significance of flow control?
24. List the drawbacks of simplex protocol.
25. Explain the use of bridges.
26. What is meant by inter networking?
27. List any four services of transport layer.
28. Mention the need for domain name system.
29. What are the components of multimedia?
30. What are the goals for setting up networks?
31. List the components of data communications.
32. Mention the advantages of co-axial cables.
33. What are satellite networks?
34. Briefly list the problems with single channel.
35. What is the need for routing algorithm?
36. List the features of token bus protocol.
37. Compare TCP and IP services.
38. Write a note on e-mail.
Part –B
1. With a neat diagram, explain OSI reference model.
2. Describe the relative advantages and disadvantages of
a. Terrestrial links b. Satellite links and c. Optical fiber transmission.
3. Describe the error detecting and correcting techniques employed in data
4. Discuss about collision free protocols.
5. Discuss the function and structure of e-mail protocol.
6. Write short notes on
a. Packet Switching
b. Message Switching
c. Circuit Switching
7. Explain the transport layer connection management.
8. Explain the bus type topology and ring type topology networks. Compare their
9. What are the objectives of computer communication networks? What are the
network components? Explain.
10. Explain the function of TCP/IP protocol.
11. Explain ISDN architecture and its services.
12. Describe the sliding window protocol for data link layer.
13. Describe the congestion control algorithms.
14. Explain IEEE’s logical link control protocol used for LAN.
15. Explain the traditional cryptography used for network security and privacy.
16. Describe the structure and functions of E-mail protocol.
17. Explain wireless communications and their suitability to computer networks.
18. Explain the design issues of datalink layers.
19. Discuss the method of performing protocol specification and verification.
20. Describe the structure of network layer in the internet.
21. Discuss the services offered by the application layer.
22. Describe the ATM AAL layer protocols.
23. Write short notes on the following
a. World wide web
b. High speed LANs.
24. Explain the applications of computer networks.
25. Discuss the methods used for controlling errors in datalink layer.
26. Explain the various media used for data transmission in computer networks.
27. Explain any two protocols used by the datalink layer.
28. Explain the multi path routing algorithm.
29. Discuss the features of ATM networks.
30. Explain the design issues of transport layer.
31. Write short notes on
a. Channel allocation problems
b. Simple network management protocol.

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