Sunday, September 16, 2012

Project Management - Interview Questions

1. Is spending in IT projects constant through out the project?

2. Who is a stakeholder ?

3. Can you explain project life cycle ?(Twist :- How many phases are there in software project ?)

4. Are risk constant through out the project ?

5. Can you explain different software development life cycles ?

6. What is triple constraint triangle in project management ?

7. What is a project baselines ?

8. What is effort variance?

9. How is normally a project management plan document organized ?

10. How do you estimate a project?

11. What is CAR (Causal Analysis and Resolution)?

12. How do you handle change request?

13. What is internal change request?

14. What is difference between SITP and UTP in testing ?

15. What are the software you have used for project management?

16. What are the metrics followed in project management?(Twist: - What metrics will you look at in order
to see the project is moving successfully?)

17. You have people in your team who do not meet there deadlines or do not perform what are the actions
you will take ? (Twist :- Two of your resources have conflicts between them how would you sort it out ?)

18. How do you start a project?

19. How did you do resource allocations?

20. How do you do code reviews ?

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