Sunday, January 29, 2012

U.P.-P.C.S. Combined Lower Subordinate (Pre.) Exam Solved Paper 2008

U.P.-P.C.S. Combined Lower Subordinate (Pre.) Exam Solved Paper 2008
General Studies 
(Held on 25-5-2008)

1. The nature of Parliamentary Control over Executive in India is—
(A) Legal
(B) Administrative
(C) Social
(D) Cultural

2. Which one of the following is not a part of the budgetary process in India ?
(A) Debate on Budget
(B) General Debate
(C) Appropriation Bill
(D) Speech of the Comptroller and Auditor General

3. What is not true of Finance Committees of the Parliament ?
(A) They verify the estimate of expenditure
(B) Finance committee are constituted for a term of one year
(C) Ministers are also its members
(D) They look into the works of administration

4. The main objective of vote of credit and exceptional grant is—
(A) To meet the salary expenses of the MPs
(B) To meet the demand of States
(C) To meet the unprecedented demand of money due to any national calamity
(D) To meet the unprecedented demand of money by the Army

5. Who said in the Constituent Assembly that “No Ministry responsible to the people can
afford light heartedly to ignore the provisions in Part IV of the Constitution” ?
(A) Alladi Krishna Swamy Aiyer
(B) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
(C) K. T. Shah
(D) Jawaharlal Nehru

6. The power to declare the election of an elected member of the parliament invalid is vested in—
(A) The Election Commission
(B) The President of India
(C) Supreme Court
(D) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha

7. The maximum limit of members of a State Legislative Assembly is—
(A) 475 
(B) 500
(C) 545 
(D) 560

8. Who has advocated the theory of piecemeal social engineering for social development ?
(A) Macpherson
(B) Rawls
(C) Popper
(D) Taylor

9. Theory of New Democracy was propounded by—
(A) Marx 
(B) Trotsky
(C) Marcuse 
(D) Mao

10. Which of the following is not correctly matched ?
(A) Fabian Socialism – G. B. Shaw
(B) State Socialism – Godwin
(C) Democratic Socialism – Laski
(D) Marxian Socialism – Gramsci

11. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R)—
Assertion (A) : Gandhiji established Gram ‘Udyog Sangh’.
Reason (R) : Gandhiji aimed at economic upliftment of the people.
In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of A
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not a correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true

12. Who divided individual’s actions into self-regarding actions and other-regarding actions ?
(A) Locke 
(B) Rousseau
(C) Bentham 
(D) J. S. Mill

13. The concept of ‘Political Decay’ is associated with the name of—
(A) Easton
(B) Apter
(C) Huntington
(D) Almond

14. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R)—
Assertion (A) : Green defended liberty of the individual.
Reason (R) : He attempted to combine Liberalism with Idealism.
In the context of the above two statements, which of the following is correct ?
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not a correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true

15. Who is known as the theorist of the super-structure ?
(A) Marx 
(B) Lenin
(C) Gramsci 
(D) Mao

16. Who defined democracy as a method of selection of right leaders ?
(A) Lincoln 
(B) J. S. Mill
(C) Bryce 
(D) Shumpeter

17. Who wrote the book entitled ‘Liberty Before Liberalism’ ?
(A) Skinner 
(B) Dworkin
(C) Newman 
(D) Taylor

18. ‘Rights are created by State’ is the assumption of—
(A) Welfare theory of Right
(B) Idealist theory of Right
(C) Legal theory of Right
(D) Natural Theory of Right

19. Who does not regard liberty and equality as opposed to each other ?
(A) Tocqueville
(B) Friedman
(C) Barker
(D) Michels

20. Who propounded the concept of Socialism in one country ?
(A) Lenin 
(B) Stalin
(C) Mao 
(D) Khrushchev

21. Who supported proportional representation for the success of democracy ?
(A) Montesquieu
(B) Dicey
(C) J. S. Mill
(D) Macpherson

22. Which among the following is the most important advantage of Bi-party system in comparison to Multi-Party System ?
(A) To bring discipline in Party
(B) To present political events more transparently before media
(C) To Guarantee Stable Government
(D) To minimise expenditure incurred by Political Parties

23. Who remarked that “Cabinet is a hyphen that joins a buckle that fastens the executive and legislative departments together ?”
(A) Jennings 
(B) Morris-Jones
(C) Bagehot 
(D) Dicey

24. Which is not a feature of the Parliamentary System ?
(A) Head of the Government and Head of the State are separate
(B) Council of Ministers is responsible to the Legislature
(C) Fixed tenure of the Prime Minister
(D) PM can remove a Minister

25. Who among the following did not give classification of Governments ?
(A) Bodin 
(B) Bluntschli
(C) Leacock 
(D) Rawls

26. Match List-I and List-II and select correct answer from the code given below—
(a) C. B. Macpherson
(b) John Rawls
(c) Robert Nozick
(d) Milton Friedman
1. Theory of Justice
2. Anarchy State and Utopia
3. Democratic Theory : Essays in Retrieval
4. Capitalism and Freedom
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 1 3 2 4
(B) 3 1 2 4
(C) 3 4 1 2
(D) 2 3 4 1

27. Who attempted to combine individualism with law of evolution ?
(A) Laski 
(B) Lowell
(C) Spencer 
(D) Lipset

28. “The State did not create property but was itself created in order to protect it.” This statement is related to—
(A) Aristotle 
(B) Locke
(C) Marx 
(D) Laski

29. Which one of the following is not written by Karl Marx ?
(A) The Poverty of Philosophy
(B) Value, Price and Profit
(C) State and Revolution
(D) The Critique of Political Economy

30. Who said, “Marx is the first socialist writer whose work can be termed scientific ?”
(A) Lenin 
(B) Ebenstien
(C) Coker 
(D) C. E. M. Joad

31. What is not true about Austin’s Theory of Sovereignty ?
(A) The sovereign is not an indefinite body
(B) The obedience to sovereign is habitual
(C) The power of the sovereign can be delegated
(D) Sovereign exists in an independent political community

32. The distinction between the legal and political sovereignty was emphasized by—
(A) Dicey 
(B) Laski
(C) Hobbes 
(D) Austin

33. Which among the following is not correctly matched ?
(A) Bhisma —Shantiparva of Mahabharata
(B) K. P. Jayaswal —Hindu Polity
(C) R. D. Bhandarkar —History of Dharmshastra
(D) Kautilya —Arthshastra

34. Which one of the following political scientists is associated with pluralistic views on sovereignty ?
(A) David Easton
(B) Gabriel Almond
(C) John Rawls
(D) Robert A Dahl

35. Match List-I and List-II and select correct answer from the code given below—
(a) Rousseau 
(b) Locke
(c) Hobbes 
(d) Bodin
1. ‘The State of nature has a law of nature to govern it which obliges everyone.’
2. ‘Man is a depraved animal.’ 
3. ‘Sovereignty is the supreme power over subjects and citizens unrestrained by laws.’
4. ‘Covenant without sword are mere words.’
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 2 1 4 3
(B) 2 3 1 4
(C) 1 4 2 3
(D) 3 4 2 1

36. Which one of the following was not a function of State in ancient India ?
(A) The State was the protector and enforcer of Law, Morality and Dharma
(B) The Vedic State protected citizens from foreign aggression. It also maintained internal order by enforcing respect for the traditional law
(C) The State adopted a policy of Laissez Faire
(D) The people were disposed to accept the State’s claim to omniscience or infallibility

37. Who among the following enunciated a theory of preservation of State rather than a theory of the State ?
(A) Machiavelli
(B) Bodin
(C) Hegel
(D) Green

38. Which one of the following pluralists stated that the ‘Monism is a pernicious or futile
doctrine’ ?
(A) Barker 
(B) Laski
(C) Coker 
(D) Duguit

39. Which one of the following statements isnot correct ?
(A) Gandhiji was primarily an anarchist while Marx is a materialist
(B) As regards ownership of property Gandhiji believes in the doctrine of Trusteeship but Marx insists on expropriation of the Capitalists
(C) Marx emphasises on technology intensive industries whereas Gandhiji advocates labour intensive industries
(D) Gandhiji does not want to establish a classless society through the dignity of labour while Marx wants to bring out a classless society through the abolition of private property

40. Which one of the following is not guaranteed by the Constitution ?
(A) Freedom of assembly
(B) Freedom of residence
(C) Freedom of strike
(D) Freedom of association

41. Reasonable Restrictions under Article 19(2) can be imposed on the ground of—
(A) Defection
(B) Contempt of Court
(C) Death of the Prime Minister
(D) Signing of a trade treaty with a country

42. Which of the following is not among seven elements of the Saptang Theory of State as propounded by ancient Indian thinkers ?
(A) Swami 
(B) Purohita
(C) Pura 
(D) Kosha

43. Who among the following is considered as the founder of Liberalism ?
(A) Plato 
(B) Hobbes
(C) Rousseau 
(D) Locke

44. The utilitarians support—
(A) Idealistic Theory of Right
(B) Socialist Theory of Right
(C) Welfare Theory of Right
(D) Historical Theory of Right

45. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R)—
Assertion (A) : Pluralism vehemently criticises Legal Theory of Rights.
Reason (R) : Pluralism does not consider State as creator of Rights.
In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not a correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true

46. Which one of the following books influenced Gandhiji most ?
(A) Grammar of Politics
(B) Poverty of Philosophy
(C) Discovery of India
(D) Unto this Last

47. Who supported the theory of powerlite ?
(A) Sartori
(B) Pareto
(C) Burnham
(D) C. Wright Mills

48. The statement that, “Liberty and equality cannot go together” is related to—
(A) Dicey 
(B) Lord Acton
(C) Berlin 
(D) Dworkin

49. Under the Hare System every voter enjoys—
(A) One vote less than the number of seats to be filled
(B) As many votes as there are seats to be filled
(C) Only two votes
(D) One effective vote

50. The Supreme Court of India decides the cases between the Centre and States under—
(A) Advisory jurisdiction
(B) Appellate jurisdiction
(C) Constitutional jurisdiction
(D) Primary jurisdiction

51. Who consider political parties as ‘Broker of Ideas’ ?
(A) Lasswel 
(B) Lowell
(C) Lenin 
(D) Lippman

52. The power of appointment of Ad-hoc Judge in the Supreme Court is vested in—
(A) Chief Justice of India
(B) Vice-President of India
(C) Parliament
(D) Judicial Commission

53. By which one of the following Amendment voting age was lowered down from 21 year to 18 year ?
(A) 42nd Amendment
(B) 52nd Amendment
(C) 61st Amendment
(D) 68th Amendment

54. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the list—
List-I (Authors)
(a) Robert A Dahl
(b) C. B. Macpherson
(c) Joseph Shumpeter
(d) Immanuel Kant
List-II (Books)
1. Critique of Judgement
2. Dilemmas of Pluralist Democracy
3. Democratic Theory
4. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 2 3 4 1
(B) 1 2 3 4
(C) 2 1 3 4
(D) 3 2 1 4

55. Which one of the following is not related to Neo-Marxist Antonio Gramsci ?
(A) He has appreciated the Bolshevik Revolution of Russia as the victory of will power over the economic conditions
(B) He believes in the theories of ‘Dialectical Materialism’ and Economic Determinism as propounded by the Classical Marxism
(C) He was one of the pioneering leaders of the Italian Communist Party during the Mussolini’s regime
(D) He propounded the theory of ‘Hegemony’

56. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R)—
Assertion (A) : Individualism assumes that every man knows his interest best.
Reason (R) : The individual should follow State laws for development.
In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not a correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true

57. Which one of the following is not a demerit of Federalism ?
(A) It is opposed to the concept of sovereignty
(B) It reconciles National Unity with Regional Autonomy
(C) It is a weak system
(D) It lacks unity

58. Money bill has been defined in—
(A) Article 110 
(B) Article 111
(C) Article 112 
(D) Article 113

59. The disputes regarding the election of the President of India are decided by—
(A) The Supreme Court
(B) The Chief Election Commissioner
(C) The Lok Sabha
(D) The Rajya Sabha

60. Unitary Government presupposes—
(A) A written Constitution
(B) Independence of Judiciary
(C) Double Citizenship
(D) None of these

61. Which one of the following is the liberal theory of the State ?
(A) Utilitarianism
(B) Syndicalism
(C) Guild Socialism
(D) Fascism

62. Who holds the view that desire for self-preservation is governing principle of human instinct ?
(A) Hobbes
(B) Burke
(C) Montesquieu
(D) MacIver

63. Who among the following supported force theory of the origin of the State ?
(A) Rousseau
(B) Montesquieu
(C) Oppenheimer
(D) J. S. Mill

64. According to social contract theory which one of the following is correct ?
(A) State is a living identity
(B) State is an instrument
(C) State is a class
(D) All of the above

65. Which one of the following books authored by Plato represents a university, a family and a church at the same time ?
(A) Statesman
(B) Laws
(C) Republic
(D) None of the above

66. “Laws are necessary relations arising out of nature of things.” This statement is attributed to—
(A) Burke 
(B) Montesquieu
(C) Green 
(D) Laski

67. A State, which provides its citizens a wide range of social service, is called—
(A) Socialist State
(B) Police State
(C) Welfare State
(D) Sarvodaya

68. The Theory of Welfare State is said to be—
(A) An opposite of Capitalist State
(B) An Idealist State
(C) Based on Communism
(D) A Halfway house between Individualism and Socialism

69. Who said, “There is only one solution of the problem of Liberty it lies in equality” ?
(A) Pollarad
(B) Laski
(C) Montesquieu
(D) Dicey

70. Who is called Philosophical Anarchist ?
(A) Rousseau
(B) Lassalle
(C) M. K. Gandhi
(D) Bentham

71. Which one of the following concepts is not related to Dialectical Materialism of Karl Marx ?
(A) Socialism is built on dialectic materialism
(B) Matter is ultimate reality
(C) Mind is secondary to the matter
(D) World changes by the force of ideas

72. Conception of Negative Liberty emphasizes on—
(A) Freedom of choice
(B) Self-direction
(C) Autonomy
(D) Absence of interference

73. Rights guaranteed by International Laws are known as—
(A) Moral Rights
(B) Natural Rights
(C) International Rights
(D) Human Rights

74. A Communist State lays emphasis on—
(A) Political Liberty
(B) Economic Liberty
(C) Right to Private Property
(D) Independence of Judiciary

75. Who said, ‘Law is reason unaffected by desire’ ?
(A) Aristotle 
(B) Mill
(C) Hegel 
(D) Laski

76. The concept of development trap is associated with the name of—
(A) Simon 
(B) Powell
(C) Riggs 
(D) Lasswell

77. Scientific method is related to—
(A) Socialists
(B) Behaviouralists
(C) Marxists
(D) Individualists

78. Which one of the following is uncommon to Socialism and Gandhism ?
(A) Emphasis on Social Justice
(B) Against Exploitation
(C) Equal distribution of property
(D) Purity of Means

79. Which one of the following thinkers considers decentralization necessary for the protection of Liberty ?
(A) T. H. Green
(B) Plato
(C) Laski
(D) Spencer

80. Mandal Theory of Kautilya is related to—
(A) Administration
(B) Foreign policy
(C) Economic policy
(D) Judicial policy

81. Who said, “Political Parties are far older than Democracy” ?
(A) Bryce
(B) Sir Henry Maine
(C) Munro
(D) Meriam

82. The source of Rights according to Fascists is—
(A) Society
(B) Nature
(C) Constitution
(D) State

83. Who said about Second Chamber that, “Four eyes are better than two, especially when a subject may be considered from different stand points” ?
(A) Garner 
(B) Strong
(C) Bluntschli 
(D) Lecky

84. Match List-I with List-II and select answer with the help of code given below—
(a) Article 352 
(b) Article 356
(c) Article 360 
(d) Article 368
1. Amendment Process
2. Financial Emergency
3. Emergency in case of breakdown of constitutional machinery in States
4. National Emergency
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 2 3 1
(B) 4 3 2 1
(C) 3 4 1 2
(D) 1 2 3 4

85. Which one of the following is not true ?
(A) Governor may sign a Bill passed by the State Legislature
(B) Governor may withhold his consent
(C) Governor may reserve the Bill for the consideration of the President
(D) Governor may refer the Bill to the Chief Justice of India for legal opinion

86. What per cent people are elected by the Vidhan Sabha for the Vidhan Parishad in U.P. ?
(A) 1/6
(B) 1/3
(C) 1/9
(D) 1/2

87. Constitutionally the members of Council of Ministers hold office—
(A) During the pleasure of Parliament
(B) During the pleasure of the Prime Minister
(C) During the pleasure of the President
(D) During the pleasure of Speaker of the Lok Sabha

88. Which among the following Commissions recommended for the abolition of the office of Governor ?
(A) Administrative Reform Commission
(B) Sarkaria Commission 
(C) Constitutional Review Commission
(D) Rajmannar Commission

89. The tenure of State Legislative Assembly can be extended during emergency by—
(A) The President of India
(B) The Governor
(C) The State Legislature
(D) Parliament

90. Choose the correct answer—
(A) All persons are qualified to be chosen as members of a Panchayat
(B) A person not qualified to be chosen for state legislature can be a member of a Panchayat 
(C) Only persons of 25 years of age will be eligible for the membership of a Panchayat
(D) All persons who are qualified to be chosen to the State legislature shall be qualified to be chosen a member of the Panchayat and who has attained the age of 21 years

91. Which Article of the Constitution lays down that State shall take steps to organise village Panchayats ?
(A) Article 36 
(B) Article 73
(C) Article 24 
(D) Article 40

92. In which case the Supreme Court of India held that Preamble is the part of the Constitution ?
(A) Sajjan Singh Vs. State of Rajasthan
(B) Golaknath V s . State of Punjab
(C) Keshwanand Bharti Vs. State of Kerala
(D) Menka Gandhi Vs. Union of India

93. Who exercises actual executive power of the Union Government of India ?
(A) President
(B) Prime Minister
(C) Cabinet
(D) Parliament

94. Which is not correctly matched ?
(A) Bentham – Utilitarianism
(B) Kant – Idealism
(C) Lenin – Communism
(D) Austin – Pluralism

95. Which of the following writs can be granted by High Courts in India in order to secure liberty of an individual who is imprisoned ?
(A) Habeas Corpus
(B) Quo-warranto
(C) Mandamas
(D) Prohibition

96. Which one of the following is not a Standing Committee of the Parliament ?
(A) Committee on Public Accounts
(B) Committee on Estimate
(C) Committee on Public Undertaking
(D) Advisory Committee of Finance Ministry

97. Zonal Councils have been created by—
(A) The Constitution
(B) Parliamentary Act
(C) Government’s Declaration
(D) National Development Council

98. Speaker of the Lok Sabha may tender his resignation to—
(A) President
(B) Vice-Chairman
(C) Prime Minister
(D) None of the above

99. The head of the Indian Executive is—
(A) President
(B) Prime Minister
(C) Chief Secretary of the Union Government
(D) None of the above

100. The power to establish an Administrative Tribunal for a State is vested in—
(A) Supreme Court
(B) Parliament
(C) National Human Rights Commission
(D) Governor

Answers with Hints
1.(B) The provision for the establishment of Administrative tribunals are given in Art. 323A of the Constitution, which was inserted by the 42nd Constitution Amendment Act, 1976. While Administrative Tribunals for both Union and States are established by the Parliament, the state legislatures home the power to establish tribunals for other purposes.
2. (D) The Comptroller and Auditor General does not take part in the proceeding of the Parliament and hence, he does not make any speech in the Parliament. 
3. (C) 4. (C) 5. (A) 6. ((B) 7. (B)
8. (C) Karl Popper criticised the radical social change idea of Plato and supported the gradual and piecemeal social reforms.
9. (D)
10. (B) Godwin was the propounder of Anarchism.
11. (D) 12. (D) 13. (C) 14. (A) 15. (C) 16. (D) 17. (B)
18. (C) According to legal theory of rights, they should have legal sanction of state. Bentham was the chief proponent of this theory.
19. (C) 20. (B) 21. (C) 22. (C) 23. (C)
24. (C) In parliamentary system, the Parliament can pass a no confidence of motion any time against the Council of Ministers. Hence, the tenure of the Prime Minister is not fixed.
25. (D) 26. (B)
27. (C) On the basis of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, spencer supported the idea of survival of the fittest which is the basis of individualism and limited sphere of State functions. 
28. (B)
29. (C) The book ‘State and Revolution’ was written of Lenin.
30. (D) 31. (C) 32. (A)
33. (C) The name of Bhandarkar’s book is ‘Aspects of Ancient Indian Polity.’
34. (D) 35. (A) 36. (C) 37. (A) 38. (C) 39. (D) 
40. (C) 41. (B) 42. (B) 43. (D) 44. (C) 45. (A)
46. (D) The book ‘Unto this Last’ was written by John Ruskin, which emphasises on the dignity of labour.
47. (D) 48. (B) 49. (B) 50. (D) 51. (B)
52. (A) Only working judges of the High Courts are appointed as adhoc judges in the Supreme Court. The Chief Justice of India may appoint adhoc judges in the Supreme Court with the prior consent of the President and after consultation with the Chief Justice of the concerned High Court.
53. (C) 54. (A) 55. (C) 56. (C) 57. (B) 58. (A) 59. (A)
60. (D) In the unitary government, all the powers of government are vested in the Central Government and there is no division of power.
61. (A) 62. (A) 63. (C) 64. (B) 65. (C)
66. (B) 67. (C) 68. (D) 69. (A) 70. (C)
71. (D) According to Marx, world does not change by ideas. It can be changed on the basis of material conditions of a society which consist of relations of production and means of production.
72. (D) 73. (D) 74. (B) 75. (A) 76. (C) 77. (B) 
78. (D) 79. (C) 80. (B) 81. (A) 82. (D) 83. (C) 
84. (B) 85. (D) 86. (B) 87. (C) 88. (D) 89. (D)
90. (D) The qualifications for a member of state Legislative and Panchayat are same but the minimum age for a member of Legislative Assemble is 25 years, for Legislative Council is 30 years and for a member of Panchayat is 21.
91. (D) 92. (C) 93. (C)
94. (D) Austin propounded the Monistic Theory of Sovereignty. His theory has been criticised by pluralist thinkers.
95. (A) 96. (D)
97. (B) The Zonal Councils have been established by the State Reorganisation Act, 1956 to advise on the matters of common interest to each of the five zones–
Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western and Central. 
98. (D) Speaker of Lok Sabha tenders his resignation to the Dy. Speaker and vice-versa.
99. (A)
100. (B) The provision for the establishment of Administrative tribunals are given in Art. 323A of the Constitution, which was inserted by the 42nd Constitution Amendment Act, 1976. While Administrative Tribunals for both Union and States are established by the Parliament, the state legislatures home the power to establish tribunals for other purposes.

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