Sunday, January 29, 2012

Indian Air Force solved question paper

Indian Air Force solved question paper
Airman Selection Test, 2008 
Group ‘X’ (Technical) Trades
Directions—(Q. 1 to 5) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.

Florence Nightingle was born in the year 1820 in a small town in Italy. Her parents were famous and rich. They looked after little Florence very carefully. But, Florence was thin and sickly.

One day little Florence said to her father, “father, I would like to be a nurse.” The little girl's father said, “My dear, I do not think you can be a nurse. Nursing is hard work.” “I will try, ” said Florence. Soon she began to learn nursing at home.

One day Florence was returning home early from school. On the way she saw a dog lying on the road. It was crying bitterly. An unkind boy hit the poor creature with a big stone. It hurt right leg and it was bleeding badly. Florence became very sad. She gently carried the dog home and nursed the wound. She tied a bandage tightly round the leg. In a week the dog was quite well. Soon the dog became friendly with Florence. It wagged its tail and jumped around her playfully and licked Florence all over, as if, it wanted to say, “Thank you, little nurse, thank you.”

1. Florence wanted to become—
(A) An animal lover
(B) A teacher
(C) A nurse
(D) An M.L.A.
Ans : (C)

2. When Florence expressed her desire to become a nurse her father ?
(A) Agreed readily
(B) Was very doubtful
(C) Kept silent
(D) None of these
Ans : (B)

3. On the way, she saw—
(A) An unkind boy hitting a dog
(B) A wounded dog lying on the road
(C) A dog limping across the road
(D) None of these
Ans : (B)

4. Florence nursed the wounded dog because—
(A) She wanted to be a nurse
(B) Her father told her to do so
(C) She felt pity for the dog
(D) None of these
Ans : (C)

5. The dog licked Florence all over to—
(A) clean her body
(B) express thanks
(C) show its anger
(D) None of these
Ans : (B)

Directions—(Q. 6 to 8) In each of the following questions choose the opposite in meaning—

6. Condemned(A) Abandoned
(B) Shifted
(C) Acquiesced
(D) Taken in
Ans : (C)

7. Deny 
(A) Renounce
(B) Confirm
(C) Controvert
(D) Disappear
Ans : (B)

8. Disparage
(A) Discredit
(B) Perceive
(C) Incline
(D) Approve
Ans : (D)

Directions—(Q. 9 to 11) In each of the following questions choose the same word in meaning—

9. Discretion
(A) Judiciousness
(B) Examine
(C) Assent
(D) Accede
Ans : (A)

10. Dreadful 
(A) Propitious
(B) Auspicious
(C) Frightful
(D) Estranged
Ans : (C)

11. Exchanted(A) Attracted
(B) Captivated
(C) Influenced
(D) Comprehended
Ans : (B)

Directions—(Q. 12 to 15) Choose the error and give its options from (A), (B), (C) and (D)—

12. It is not easy (A) / to beat out (B) / a swarm of (C) / wasps if they attack you. (D)
Ans : (B) beat off

13. I would (A) / do this (B) / if (C) / I was allowed. (D)
Ans : (D) were allowed

14. I asked (A) / him (B) / where (C) / did he live. (D)
Ans : (D) ‘he lived’ in place of ‘did he live’.

15. The soldiers (A) / as well as (B) / the commanders was (C) / running away. (D)
Ans : (C) ‘were’ in place of ‘was’

Directions—(Q. 16 to 20) Fill in the blanks with suitable options—

16. He hankers … money.
(A) over
(B) for
(C) after
(D) about
Ans : (C)

17. It was with considerable …… that we heard the news of his rescue.
(A) relieve
(B) reliefs
(C) relieves
(D) relief
Ans : (D)

18. He was accused … murder.
(A) for
(B) of
(C) with
(D) about
Ans : (B)

19. He is looking … his lost book.
(A) down
(B) into
(C) out
(D) for
Ans : (D)

20. Any activity which is prejudicial … law and order is punishable.
(A) for
(B) to
(C) from
(D) on
Ans : (B)

21. Average error of some measurement is—
(A) Arithmetic mean of the errors
(B) Arithmetic mean of the errors, leaving aside the errors’ signs
(C) Average of the squares of the errors
(D) Geometric mean of the errors
Ans : (B)

22. Number of significant figures in 0•00321 are—
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
Ans : (B)

23. In significant figures, the difference of 2•57 metres and 2•4 metres is—
(A) 0•17 m
(B) 0•70 m
(C) 0•2 m
(D) 0•485 m
Ans : (C)

24. E is the kinetic energy of an object, when it is projected at the maximum range of projection angle. At the highest point of its passage, its horizontal kinetic energy would be—
(A) E
(B) E/2
(C) E/3
(D) Zero
Ans : (B)

25. If some particle rotates on a circular path, the force that maintains it rotating uniformly is called—
(A) Centripetal force
(B) Atomic force
(C) Internal force
(D) Gravitational force
Ans : (A)

26. In a simple pendulum, isochronous length is equal to—
(A) Distance between centre of oscillation and centre of gravity
(B) Distance between the centre of suspension and centre of gravity
(C) Distance between the centre of suspension and centre of oscillation
(D) None of these
Ans : (C)

27. Distance between the two continuous antinodes of a stationary wave is—
(A) One wavelength
(B) Half wavelength
(C) Two wavelengths
(D) None of these
Ans : (B)

28. Two similar waves propagate in opposite directions in a medium—
(A) Absorb sound energy
(B) Create beats
(C) Create stationary waves
(D) Create resonance
Ans : (C)

29. Unit of reactance is—
(A) Ohm
(B) mho
(C) Farad (F)
(D) Ampere (A)
Ans : (A)

30. A hot-wire-ammeter measures the ……… of A.C. current—
(A) Peak value
(B) Average value
(C) Root average square current
(D) None of these
Ans : (C)

31. In a p-n junction—
(A) There are two semi-conductor junctions
(B) There are two metal junctions
(C) There is a metal semi-conductor junction
(D) There is a metallic super conductor junction
Ans : (A)

32. The particles obtained from thermionic emission are—
(A) Protons
(B) Electrons
(C) Neutrons
(D) None of these
Ans : (B)

33. In P-type semi-conductor, the main current carriers are—
(A) Electrons
(B) Holes
(C) Photons
(D) Protons
Ans : (B)

34. Dispersion of light is possible if and only if the medium is—
(A) Water
(B) Glass
(C) Water or glass
(D) Some transparent medium
Ans : (D)

35. Colour of light is identified with the—
(A) Speed of light in air
(B) Frequency
(C) Amplitude
(D) None of these
Ans : (B)

36. In a set of playing cards, there are 52 cards. From this set of cards, two cards are taken out, at random. The probability of both the cards to be ace will be—
(A) 1/221
(B) 1/111
(C) 25/4
(D) None of these
Ans : (A)

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