Monday, November 4, 2013

SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam 2012 (Recruitment of Lower Division Clerks and Data Entry Operators) Solved GK Paper held on 4th November 2012 (Morning Shift)

SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam 2012(Recruitment of Lower Division Clerks and Data Entry Operators) 
Solved GK Paper held on 4th November 2012 (Morning Shift)
1. Who are the price-takers under Perfect Competition?
    a) buyers
    b) industry
    c) government
    d) firms
2. Open market operation rfers to:    a) borrowing by scheduled banks from the RBI
    b) borrowing by scheduled banks to industry and trade
    c) purchase and sale of government  securities    d) deposit mobilisation
3. An employment situation where the marginal productivity of agricultural labour is zero
    is known as:
    a) Structural unemployment
    b) Seasonal unemployment
    c) Cyclical unemployment
    d) Disguised unemployment
4. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Indian Economy?    a) low per capita income
    b) primacy of agriculture
    c) balance between heavy industry and wage goods.
    d) population pressure
5. Who said in the Constituent Assembly that the Directive Principles of the State Policy are
    like a “Cheque on a bank payable at the convenience of the bank”?
    a) K.T. Shah    b) K.M. Munshi
    c) B.R. Ambedkar
    d) Austin
6. Term ‘Federal’ has been used in the Indian Constituion in:
    a) Preamble
    b) Part III
    c) Article 368
    d) Nowhere in the Constitution
7. Which of the following is associated with panchayati Raj?
    a) Shah Commission  -> to look into Mining Scam
    b) Nanavati Commission -> to look into Gujarat riots
    c) Balwant Rai Committee 
    d) Liberhan Commission -> to look into Babri masjid case
8. Which schedule of the Indian Constitution prescribes distribution of seats in Rajya Sabha?    a) 3rd schedule
    b) 4th schedule    c) 5th schedule
    d) 6th schedule
9. Which one of the following items comes under the Concurrent List?
    a) Inter-State rivers
    b) Trade Unions    c) Citizenship
    d) Local Government
10. Which Amendment of the Constituion deals with Political defections?
      a) 44th
      b) 50th
      c) 52nd      d) 60th
11. When and by whom were the Asokan inscriptions deciphered for the first time? 
      a) 1810 – Harry Smith
      b) 1787 – John Tower
      c) 1825 – Charles Metcalfe
      d) 1837 – James Prinsep
12. Amuktamalyada is the work of:
      a) Allasani Peddana
      b) Krishnadeva Raya      c) Vachcharaj
      d) Kharavela
13. The use of which of the following regional laguages was popularised by the Bhakti
      leader, Shankaradeva?

      a) Assamese
      b) Bengali
      c) Brijbhasha
      d) Avadhi
14. The Manasbdari system was introduced by
      a) Akbar      b) Shah Jahan
      c) Jahangir
      d) Babar
         In 1595-96, the Mughal Emperor Akbar introduced the Mansabdari System in the Mughal army
         which primarily meant the ranking of officers on decimal system. This system was introduced
         to strengthen the Army and was common to both the military and the civil department. Under
         this system, every officer was assigned a rank (mansab). The lowest rank was 10, and the
         highest was 5000 for the nobles.
15. Which of the following was created by the ‘Pitt’s India Act’?
      a) Court of Directors
      b) Board of Control
      c) Board of Revenue
     d) Standing Council
16. When granite rocks get metamorphosed, they change into:
      a) Marble
      b) Felspar
      c) Gensis      d) Quartzite
17. Spot the odd item in the following:
      a) Dead sea      b) Red sea
      c) Black sea
      d) Caspian sea
18. Earth received heat from the sun is known as:
      a) Thermal radiation
      b) Insolation
      c) Infrared heat
    d) Solar radiation
         Insolation is the solar radiation that reaches the earth’s surface. It is measured by the amount
         of solar energy received per square centimetre per minute.
19. Which one of the following is a raw material oriented industry?
      a) Ship building
      b) Sugar industry
      c) Petroleum refinery      d) Light engineering industry
         Crude oil is the basic raw material upon which all refinery processes are founded.
20. Which country is the largest producer of wool?
      a) Canada
      b) U.S.A.
      c) Australia      d) Britain
         Australia is the leading producer of wool which is mostly from Merino sheep.
21. Which enzyme is obtained from Red gram?
      a) Urease
      b) Zymase
      c) Maltase
      d) Diastase
22. Longest cell in human body is 
      a) Muscle cell
      b) Blood cell
      c) Bone cell
      d) Nerve cell
23. Which part of the plant is used as ‘saffron’?
      a) Sepals
      b) Petals
      c) Stamens
      d) Style and Stigma
24. Grave’s disease is caused due to:
      a) hyperactivity of thymus
      b) hyperactivity of thyroid      c) hypoactivity of thymus
      d) hypoactivity of thyroid
25. Which one of the folllowing is called the primary pace maker of the heart?
      a) S.A. Node
      b) A.V. Node
      c) Chordae tendinae
      d) A.V. Septum
26. Chiropterophily means:
      a) production of leaves
      b) production of flowers
      c) pollination by wind
      d) pollination by bat
27. A radioactive substance has a half-life of four months. Three-fourth of the substance
      will decay in:

      a) 6 months
      b) 8 months      c) 12 months
      d) 4 months
28. Red light is used in traffic signal for stopping the traffic because:      a) It is visible even to longsighted people 
      b) eye is more sensitive to red light
      c) it is least scattered and hence can be easily noticed from long distance
      d) it is very pleasant to the eye.
29. The property which is seen in light wave but not in sound wave is:
      a) Interference
      b) Diffraction
      c) Refraction
      d) Polarization
30. The indentions on CDs and DVDs are called:
      a) lands
      b) pits      c) clusters
      d) tracks
         CD data is represented as tiny indentations known as “pits”, encoded in a spiral track
         moulded into the top of the polycarbonate layer. The areas between pits are known as
         “lands”. As the CD spins over the laser, the laser reads the digital code on the CD’s
         surface (digital code is made up of 1′s and 0′s) . The numbers are “encoded” by tiny
         indentations, called pits, that determine whether the laser reads a number 1 (on) or a
         number 0 (off). The pits and lands themselves do not directly represent the zeros and
         ones of binary data. Instead, non-return-to-zero, inverted encoding is used: a change
         from pit to land or land to pit indicates a one, while no change indicates a series of zeros.
         If the laser passes over the pit, it reflects back to the CD player and reads the digital
         number 1. If not, then it reads a 0. There are millions of these pits, which make up the
         enormous digital code on every CD.   

         The data indentations on a DVD are smaller than those on a CD, this is the main reason
         why a single-layer DVD holds 4.7 gigabytes (GB), or around seven times more than
         a traditional compact discs (CDs) which hold 650 megabytes (MB) of digital information.
31. Programs which protect a disk from an infection are called as:
      a) Interpreters
      b) Vaccines
      c) Antidotes      d) Library routines
         Usually in computer world, the term ‘Antidotes’ is not used when discussing computer viruses.
         Standard term used for such type of programs is ‘Antivirus’.
32. CPU performance is often measured in :
      a) GB
      b) MHz
      c) MIPS
      d) Band rate
         Clock speed is the rate at which a processor can complete a processing cycle. It is typically
         measured in megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz).
33. Caustic soda is:
      a) efflorescent
      b) deliquescent
      c) oxidant      d) reductant
34. Which one among the following is a solid lubricant?
      a) Indium
      b) Germanium
      c) Sulphur
      d) Graphite       Graphite and Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2) are the most frequently used inorganic solid lubricants.
35. A white solid ‘A’ on heating gives off a gas which turns lime water milky. The residue
      is yellow when hot but turn white on colling. The solid A is:

      a) Zinc sulphate
      b) Zinc carbonate
      c) Lead sulphate
      d) Lead carbonate
36. Suspended colloidal particles in the water can be removed by the process of:
      a) Coagulation      b) Filteration
      c) Adsorption
      d) Absorption
37. The acid rain destroys the vegetation because it contains:
      a) Nitrates
      b) Ozone
      c) Carbon monoxide
      d) Sulphuric acid
38. Iron and manganese are removed in water by the process of:
      a) Aeration
      b) Chlorination
      c) Filteration
      d) Lime-soda treatment

         Oxidation/filtration refers to precipitative processes that are designed to remove naturally
         occurring iron and manganese from water.
39. Which of the following is strongest coagulant?
      a) Magnesium sulphate
      b) Zinc chloride
      c) Aluminimum chloride      d) Barium chloride
40. Activated sludge treatment is called: 
      a) Chemical treatment
      b) Preliminary treatment 
      c) Biological treatment
      d) Pre treatment
         The treatment of wastewater by suspended growth biological treatment is known
         as the activated sludge process.
41. Roger Federer won the seventh Wimbledon title in 2012. In which year, he won the
      sixth Wimledon title?

     a) 2008
     b) 2009     c) 2010
     d) 2011
42. To promote and popularise which game in India, another Indian League Tournament
      was launched in 2011 on the lines of IPL?
  a) Soccer
      b) Volley Ball
      c) Hockey
      d) Basket Ball
43. How many cricketers, who have represented India in test matches, are presently
      Lok Sabha members?

      a) Three
      b) Two
      c) One
      d) Nil
          - Mohammed Azharuddin won the Lok Sabha election in 2009 from Moradabad (UP) and
            the Indian Nantional Congress got this seat after 25 long years.
          – BJP candidate KIRTI AZAD won Lok Sabha election in 2009 from Darbhanga (Bihar).
44. Which one of the following African countries is not a member of OPEC?
      a) Algeria
      b) Angola
      c) Libya
      d) South Africa
45. Which one of the following National Park/Sanctuary is not in Rajasthan?
     a) Rhanthambore National Park
     b) Sariska national park
     c) Sambar Wildlife Sanctuary
     d) Rajaji National Park -> correct : Uttarakhand
46. Which day is observed as ‘International Day of Non-Violence’?
      a) 30th January
      b) 1st May
      c) 2th October
      d) 24th October
47. Which country will host the next meet of CHOGAM (Commonwealth heads of
      Government Meet) in 2013?

      a) India
      b) U.K.
      c) Mauritius
      d) Srilanka
48. Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education (LNIPE) is in:
      a) Jhansi
      b) Patiala
      c) Gwalior
      d) Indore
         Laxmibai National Institute of Physical Education or LNIPE Gwalior is the first deemed
         university of physical education in India.
49. Who is the Governor of West Bengal?
      a) Margaret Alva
      b) B.L. Joshi
      c) M.K.Narayanan      d) Shivraj Patil
50. The concept of ‘Carbon credit’ originated from:
     a) Earth Summit, Rio-de-Janerio
     b) Kyto Protocol
     c) Montreal Protocol
     d) None of the above
         The concept of carbon credits for manufacturers originated with the Kyoto Agreement of 1997.

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