Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Birlasoft Placement Paper -1 (Logical Reasoning)

Birlasoft Placement Paper -1 (Logical Reasoning)

Directions:Each question or set of questions is based on a preceding passage or set of conditions.Choose the best answer

for each question .It may be helpful in some instances to sketch a simple diagram

Questions 1-6:

In an International organization  of nine nations (O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W) provide staff for the three technical agencies

designated B,C and D.Each nation provides one technician who must work in only one of the agencies .
·    Agency D may not have a member from U,V or W
·    Agency C may not have a member from R,S or T
·    Agency B may not have a member from O,P or Q
·    Agency D may have no members
·    Agency B must have exactly one or more member than Agency C

1.If U and O are only members of agency C,how many of the nine technician members must work in Agency D ?

A)  3           B)  4            C)  5         D) 6          E) 7
Answer:- C) 5

2. In Agency D,the greatest number from the nine nations who can serve together is :

A) 9           B)8            C) 7          D) 6          E) 5

3. Which nations provide staff for Agency B if W is the only one of the nine providing a member for Agency C?

A)   R&V    B)  S&T     C)    S&U     D)  T&V   E)  U&V

4. If none of the nine nations are represented in Agency D ,which nation must be represented in Agency B?

A) O    B)P      C) R      D)U         E)V

5. If Agency C has members from only U,V, and Q ,the members of Agency D could be :

A) O&P     B) O&R      C) P&S      D) P&T      E) Q&S

6. Agency  D could be made up from which of  the following nations

A) P&U      B) Q&T         C) P,Q and R        D) R,S and T      E) O,Q,T and W

Questions 7-9

A tire maker codes tires with four symbols using numbers 1 through 4 and the letters A through D.Each code has two

numbers and two letters .The two numbers must be next to each other and the two letters must be next to each other

.The two letters must be different .The numbers on the right must be more then one on the left .

7. If the fourth symbol is 3 ,what could be the third symbol be ?

A) A         B) B          C) C         D) 1       E) 4
Answer:-D) 1

8. If the letter A occurs ,what must be also true ?

A)  B also occurs     B)  C also occurs     C)  D also occurs   D)  A occurs once    E)  A occurs twice
Answer:- D) A occurs once

9. If 2 is the first symbol,which of the following could not be in one of the other three positions

A) 1     B) 3     C) 4     D) C      E) D
Answer:- A) 1

Questions 10-14

Ms.Jones has invited three couples to have dinner with her and her husband .She has three seats on either side of the

table and one at each end .The four women are Gloria,Heidi,Isabela and Jasmine and the four gentlemen are

Rembrandt,Scott,Tom and Upton.Ms Jones has some particular restrictions on the seating arrangements .
·    The persons at the head and foot of the table must differ in sex.
·    On either side of the table ,persons of the same sex may not be next to each other
·    Tom and Isabela may not be on either side
·    Upton may not be seated on the same side as Jasmine

10. If Isabela is in the middle seat and Upton is at the head ,which of the following must be true ?

A)    Jasmine is at the foot
B)    Rembrandt is at the foot
C)    Gloria is on the same side as Isabela
D)    Scott is seated on the side opposite Isabela
E)    Tom is seated on the side opposite Isabela

11. Which of the following could not be at the foot if Jasmine is at the head ?

      A) Heidi     B)  Rembrandt    C) Scott   D)  Tom     E) Upton

12. Where must Tom sit if Scott is at the foot ,Upton is at an end on one side and Isabela is at an end on the other side ?

A)  At the end       B) Middle seat on Upton's side    C)  End seat on Upton's side
D)  Middle seat on Isabela's  side    E) End seat on Isabela's side

13. If Tom is at the head ,Rembrandt in middle seat and Isabela in the othe middle seat what else may be true  ?

A) Gloria is at the foot    B)  Heidi is on Isabela's side    C) Jasmine is on Isabela's side
D)  Scott is on Rembrandt's side      E) Upton is on Rembrandt's side

14. If Tom is at the foot ,Upton is in the middle seat ,who must be seated at the head ?

A) Gloria     B) Heidi    C) Jasmine    D) Rembrandt     E) Scott

Questions 15-19

A landscape contractor is planting a row of seven kinds of trees .One tree has not arrived yet .We will label the trees A

through F and number the evenly spaced holes 1 through 7 ,from left to right.The landscape architect has specified the

following :

·    The distance from A to B must be same as that from C to D
·    Trees E and F must be in adjacent holes
·    The empty hole must not be the extreme right one

15. Which of the following placements conforms to the rules ?

A)    B,empty ,A,E,F,D,C
B)    B,C,empty, D,A,F,E
C)    D,E,B,C,F,empty,A
D)    D,F,E,A,C.empty,B
E)    Empty,D,C,F,E,A,B
Answer:- E)

16. If F is the second hole ,what else must be true ?

A) A is in 3    B) B is in 4     C)   Cis in 5    D) Dis in 7      E) E is in 1

17. If A is in 1 and C is in 3,which hole is empty ?

A)  2       B)  4       C) 5       D) 6      E)  7

18. If A is in 3 and Bis in 4 what could be true ?

A)  C is in 6  B)    C is in 5      C)  D is in 6   D)  F is in 1     E) 6 is empty

19. Which of the following could be an empty hole ?

A) 7        B)  2       C)  3        D)  4         E)  6

Questions 20-24:

The following data is about people killed in accidents in India over a period of 10 years .Study the data carefully and

answer the following questions.

Year                              Total People killed                  No. of people killed in coal mines

1986                                        1230                                                        415
1987                                        1150                                                        395
1988                                       1300                                                       406
1989                                        946                                                        324
1990                                       1040                                                       256
1991                                        1250                                                        115
1992                                        1154                                                       108
1993                                        948                                                        121
1994                                       1278                                                       285
1995                                        846                                                        89

20. Which year showed the highest % increase in the number of people killed in Coal mines over the preceding year ?

A) 1989    B)  1993      C)  1994      D)  1991      E)  1986
Answer:-A) 1989

21. In which year were minimum number of people killed in industrial accidents other then those killed in Coal Mines

A) 1993     B)  1992     C) 1989    D) None of these   E)  1995
Answer:-C) 1989

22. The difference between % of the number of people killed in Coal Mines to the total number of people killed in 1992

and 1993 is

A) 17.2 %     B)  13.2%    C) 6.31 %      D) 3.5 %      E)  8.21%

23.If the total number accidents in 1996 is 1472 and decrease in % of coal accidents from 1995-96is 20% the number of

Coal accidents in 1996 is

A) 155     B)  124      C)  71.2     D) None of these     E) 96

24. 35% of the people killed in industrial accidents during 1988 were insured by LIC and LIC paid Rs10920.0000 towards

insurance .What was the amount paid to each person ?

A) 24000      B) 77000     C) 46000    D) 22000  E )  35000

25. If August 15,1947 was a Friday,then what day was August 15 1987 ?

26. If May 6,1969 was a Tuesday,the next time May 6 was a Tuesday was in the year 19_ _  ?

27. At 1.05 what is the angle formed by the minute hour hand ?

28.If the minute hand passes the hour hand once every 65 minutes then what can be said of the accuracy of the clock.Is

it  fast ,slow or on time ?

29. Two clocks chime together on the hour .One gains 5 minutes while the other loses 5 minutes every hour .After how

many hours will they chime together again ?
Answer:-6 hour

30. A watch which loses 6 min every half an hour is set to the correct time at 12 noon .What is the actual time when

the time indicated by watch is 8 pm ?

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