Saturday, February 11, 2012

Looking for a New Job? What to Consider?

I want to find a new challenge but where should I start?
Remember that finding a new challenge isn’t something that can be taken lightly or done in haste; it needs careful consideration and clarity of thought. Before anything else, you’ll find it useful to hear yourself explain your feelings, and to hear someone else’s view. Try talking things through with a trusted friend, mentor, or coach. If they ask the right questions, challenge any assumptions, and correct any misapprehensions you should be able to see your way more clearly.
Think about what’s happening now. Maybe you’ve reached a natural transition point in your life. It may be that an event or series of events has caused you to re-evaluate your situation. Work out what’s prompted you to start looking for a new challenge. Are office politics making your life at work tricky, or is it something in your personal life? Maybe your partner has changed jobs, or your kids have left home. It could be anything! At least if you know what’s prompted this desire for a change you’ll have some certainty¡ªeven if you don’t yet know what to do next.
I’ve made the change to something that I’ve always wanted to do but am still feeling dissatisfied! What’s wrong with me?
Change is always disorientating, no matter how positive the change is on paper. You’ll need time to adjust to your new surroundings, colleagues, and schedule, and to establish yourself in your new field. As a general guide, it can often take six months or more before someone feels comfortable with a new role. Think back to your previous position and remind yourself why you made the change. Refocus on your goals, and you should rediscover your momentum.
There’s so much I want to do! How can I work out the best route?
Brainstorm! Write down what you want from your new challenge, then list all your ideas for potential challenges. By finding common themes, you’ll be able to eliminate marginal ideas and focus on the challenge that meets the most criteria. Some of your ideas may not be right for you yet, but they may be in the future. Keep your list and refer back to it when you’re ready for your next challenge!
I’m bored and frustrated, but don’t want to take too much of a risk. How can I find a new challenge without losing my security?
Maybe it’s not a career change you’re looking for, but simply a new dimension in your life. Even small changes can make a vast difference to your state of mind, so find something that you can do as well as your current job. You might like to take up a sport, join a choir, or do some voluntary work. Once you find something that you’re passionate about, it’ll be easy to fit it into your schedule.

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