Tuesday, January 31, 2012

ITC infotech Placement paper 2011

ITC infotech Placement paper 2011

1. There are two machines X and Y .X produces 100X /min and takes rest of  5 min to clean  after 1000X . And Y produces 75Y/min and takes 10 min rest after a production of 1500Y .what will be minimum time after which 9000 pair of  X,Y will be produced............
a)   135       b) 130    c)   170          d) 180

2. There are five places A, B, C, D and E  in a city .E is 2 km west of D .D is three km northeast of A . .B is 5km north of C and C is 4 km west of D .one per son travels through C-B-A-E-D than what will be total distance traveled by him...........
a)   13        b) 11            c) 9        d)    10

3. One rectangle having shorter side is 2m and is fold along the line joining the midpoint of the longer side. the ratio of longer and shorter side in both new and old rectangle remains same than what was the length of longer side in new rectangle.............
a)   √2                b) 2√2                         c) 2              d) none of these

4. The multiplication of three consecutive number is 2730 than the sum of the three no. is............
a)   39              b)    42            c) 30                 d)   none of these

5. It is somewhat paradoxical that, nine times out of ten, the coarse word is the word that ______ an evil and the _________ word that excuses it.

A. condemns….refined
B. exonerates….vulgar
C. Contradicts...crass
D. condones...genteel
E. admits....clever

6. An University training enables a graduate to see things as they are, to go right to the point, to disentangle a ____________ of though.

A. line B. strand C. mass D. plethora E. skein

Choose a word given below that is nearly opposite to the word mentioned in CAPITALS


A. resilience B. wickedness C. independence D. righteousness F. humility


A. apologise B. sanctify C. make worse D. rule illegal E. rebuke

Questions -9- 12
At a formal dinner for eight; the host & hostesses are seated at opposite ends of a rectangular table. with three persons along each side. Each man must be seated next to at least one Woman and vice-versa. Allan is opposite Di!1nne, who is not the hostess George has’ a woman on his right and is opposite a woman Helga is at the hostess’s right, next to Frank One person is seated between Belinda & Carol.

9. Eric is the eighth person present. Eric must be :
I. the host II. seated to. Diane’s right III. seated opposite Carol

A) I onIy B) III only C) I & II only D) I, II, III

10. If each person is placed directly opposite his or her spouse, which of the following pairs must be married?

A. George & Helga
B. Belinda & Frank
C. Carol & Frank
D. George & Belinda
E. Eric & Helga

11. Which person cannot be seated next to a person of the same sex?

A. Allan B. Belinda C. Carol D. Diane E. Eric

12. George is bothered by the cigarette smoke of his neighbor and exchanges seat with the person four places to his left. Which of the following must be true following the exchange?
I. NO one seated between two persons of the opposite sex.
II. One side of the table consists entirely of persons of the same sex
III. Either the host or the hostess has changes seats.
A. I only
B. III only
C. I & II only"
D. II & III only
E. Neither I, II nor III.

13. Ram is standing to the right of Sita. Kaushalya is standing on the opposite side of Sita. Since the opposite of right is wrong, Kaushalya must be standing on the wrong side of Ram.Which of the following logical errors has the author ’of the argument above committed?
A. He has used a single term to mean two different things
B. He has confused cause & effect
C. He has assumed to be true what he wants to prove to be true
D. He has provided no factual evidence for his conclusion
E. He has drawn a general conclousion from an insufficient number of examples.

14. If the side of a square increases by 40 %, then the area of the square increases by :

A) 16%    B) 40%    C) 96%     D) 116%     E) 140%

15. A fanner wishes to build a fence around a rectangular field. The field is 100 feet long and 60 feet wide. The fence will be of stone on one side and of wire on the other three sides. Stone cost Rs. 5 a foot and wire costs Rs. 2 a foot, How much will the fence cost?

A) Rs.320     B)Rs.620    C) Rs.760    D) Rs.80Q    E) Rs.940

16. Which one of the following has the greatest value?

A) 0.3      B) J 0.3     C) L2/5    D) 1/3     E) O.Ol1t

17. If the product of 3 consecutive integers is 210, then the sum of two smaller integer is:

A) 5     B) 11     C) 12     D) 13     E) 18

18. The price of a garment is reduced by 20 %. During an "early bird" special all garments are rnarked "take an additional 30 % off reduced price". The two reductions are equivalent to a single reduction of :

A) 25%      B) 44 %     C) 50%     D) 56%      E) 60%

19. One rectangle having shorter side is 2m and is fold along the line joining the midpoint of the longer side. the ratio of longer and shorter side in both new and old rectangle remains same than what was the length of longer side in new rectangle.............

a)   √2                b) 2√2                         c) 2              d) none of these

20. The multiplication of three consecutive number is 2730 than the sum of the three no. is............

a)   39              b)    42            c) 30                 d)   none of these

1. A train covers the distance d between two cities in h hours arriving J. hours late. What rate would permit the train to arrive on schedule?

A) h·2    B) d!h - 2    C) dlh-2    D) dh·2    E) dlh+2

2. In a group of 15, 7 have studied Latin, 8 have studied Greek and 3 have not studied either. How many of these have studied both Latin & Greek?

A) 0 1    3n     C) 4     D) 5     E) 7

3. Colorful Pain Company contracts to paint three house. Mr. Brown can paint a house in 6 days, while Mr. Pink would take 8 days and Mr. Blue would take 12 days. After 8 days Mr. Brown goes on vacation and Mr. Pink begins to work for a period of 6 days. How many days will it take Mr. Blue to complete the contract?

A)7    B) 8    C) 1l    D) 12    E) 13

4. A box is made in form of a cube. If a second cubical box has inside dimensions three times those of the first box, how many times as much does the second box contain?

A)3    B) 6    C) 9    D) 12

5. One wheel rotates once every 7 minutes and anothl::r ratales once every 5 minutes. How often will both begin to rotate at the same time?

A) Every 6 minutes   B) Every 12 minutes  C) Every 17.5 minutes   D) Every 35 minutes  F) Every 70 minutes

6. There are five places A, B, C, D and E  in a city .E is 2 km west of D .D is three km northeast of A . .B is 5km north of C and C is 4 km west of D .one per son travels through C-B-A-E-D than what will be total distance traveled by him...........

a)   13        b) 11            c) 9        d)    10

7. While ________________ in his own approach of philosophy, the scholar was illogically,___________ his colleagues who averred that a seeker of knowledge must be free to select such doctrines as pleased him in every school.

A. indiscriminate……supportive of
B. electic……intolerant of
C. speculative….cordial to
D. problematical….dismissive of
E. theoretic…Impatient with

8. We have in America a _____________ speech that is neither American, Oxford English, nor colloquial English, but ____________ of all three.

A. motley……….an enhancement
B. hybrid…….a combination
C. nasal…….a blend
D. mangled……a medley
E. formal…….a patch work

Choose a word given below that is nearly opposite to the word mentioned in CAPITALS


A. prior B. tardy C. devious D. manifest E. astronomical


A. frown B. disguise C. make indifferent D. make aware E. please

Instructions for Questions 11 -14: Select the best alternative to the portion in the sentence which is underlined. If you think the underlined portion is the best option, Select answer A. Be attentive to matters of grammar, diction and syntax as well as clarity, precision and fluency. Do not select the answers which alters the meaning of the original sentence.

11. Using it wisely, leisure promotes health, efficiency and happiness.

A. Using it wisely
B. If used wisely
C. Having used it wisely
D. Because it is used wisely
E. Because of usefulness

12. We want the teacher to be him who has the best rapport with the students.

A. We want the teacher to be him
B. We want the teacher to be he
C. We want him to be the teacher
D. We desire that the teacher be him
E. We anticipate that the teacher will be him.

13. She not only was competent but also friendly in nature.

A. She not only was competent but also friendly.
B. Not only was she competent but friendly also.
C. She not only was competent but friendly also
D. She was not only competent but also friendly.
E. She was not only competent but friendly also.

14. When one eats in this restaurant, you often find that the prices are high and the food id poorly prepared.

A. When one eats in this restaurant, you often find
B. When one eats in this restaurant, one often find
C. As you eat in this restaurant, you often find
D. If you eat in this restaurant, you often find
E. When one ate in this restaurant, he often found

15. May I venture to say that I think this performance is the most superior I have ever heard.

A. May I venture to say that I think this performance is the most superior.
B. May I venture to say that this performance is the most superior.
C. May I say that this performance is the most superior.
D. I think this performance is superior to any.
E. This performance is the most superior of any.

16. The length, width and height of a room is 3,2,1 respectively. The length of the room is doubled and height and width is halved .then percentage decrease in area of wall. is...........

a) 13.6%                b) 27.2%            c) 10%                  d) none of these

17. A father purchases dress for his three daughter. The dresses are of same color   but of different size .the dress is kept in dark room .What is the probability that all the three will not choose their own dress...

a) 2/3                   b)  1/3                          c) 1/6                         d) 1/9

18. In a race of 4000m around a circular ground of circum 1000m The fastest and slowest athletes meets first time 5 min after the starting of race . the speed of the all athletes remains constants over the race . The speed of the fatest is double of the slowest athletes. Than in how much time the athletes who wins the race will complete the race.......

a)  20 min        b)  10 min          c)  5 min             d)  none of these

19. A merchant of clothes purchases the cloth with a gauge of 120 cm instead of 100cm. and sells it with a gauge of 80 cm with a discount of 20% . then total gain will be....

a) 10%      b)20%    c) 25%     d) none of these

20. If  n be a odd number greater than 1. than  n(n*n-1) will be divisible by................

a)48       b)  24              c)6           d) none of these

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