Tuesday, January 31, 2012

InMobi Placement paper IIT B 20th oct'11

InMobi Test @ iitb - 20th oct'11
1 hr. Online test
3 sections.
a) Coding - 2 questions, 15 marks each
q1. given an array of positive integers and that u r allowed to change
the sign of any of the integers whenevr u require.
write a prog to calculate the minimum sum of this array.
the sum should be >=0.
b) given a set of coordinates (a,b), (d,e)... etc.
write a prog to find Slope and Intercept of a line such that max
points from those specified pass thru that line.
logic based: x,y,z,w are 4 kids. they want to go to 4 parties...
subject to some constraints like if x goes, y cant go etc...
which set can go to the same party - x,y,z ... etc options... 2-3 ques
like that. fairly easy.
algo -
a ques on B+ trees.. which isnt good fr a B+ tree... keys with
exponential distirbutuion,
keys with uniform dist.
keys with distr not known
more quesns on DS and algo...
which is worst time complexity/space wise
1. queue with 2 stacks
2. binary search tree using heap
3. stack using singly linked list

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