Sunday, January 29, 2012

Important International Organizations

International Organizations
The Commonwealth : The Commonwealth , originally called the British Commonwealth of Nations , is an association of 53 nations and dependencies joined by a common link based on having been parts of the old british empire . The British monarch is the symbolic head of the Commonwealth.
The main principle of Commonwealth is to influence international society for the benefits of mankind . The Commonwealth heads of Governments meet (CHOGM) has now acquired international significance
Headquarter :- London
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ( NATO) :- NATO was created on April 4, 1949 , in a traty signed in Washington by Belgium , France , Canada , Denmark , Iceland , Italy , Luxembourg , Netherland , Norway , Portugal , U.K. and the United states of America. Greece , Spain , Turkey , and West Germany have also joined later 1999 in ; the Czech Republic , Hungary , and polland. In 2004 the NATO welcomed seven new members into its fold . The expension increase the alliance’s membership from 19 to 26 the new members are : Bulgaria , Estonia , Latevia , Lithuania . Romania . Slovakia and slovenia. The members agreed to settle disputes by peaceful means ; to develop there individul and collective capacity to resist armed attack , to regard an attack on one as an attack .
Headquarters : Brussels(Belgium)
European Economic Community ( EEC) : Established on january 1, 1958 , there ultimate goal is a complete customs union with free flow of goods ,services and labour among all members . Its member are 27 : Belgium , France , Germany , Italy , Luxembourg , Netherlands , Britain , Denmark , Ireland , Greece , Sweden , Finland , Portgual , Spain , Austria . Estonia , Latvia , Lithunia , Slovakia , Solvenia , Polland , Hungry , Check - Republic cyprus , Malta , Bulgeria ,and Romenia .
Headquarter : Brussels ( Belgium)
Organisation of American States(OAS) : Established On april 14,1890,posseses 34 member countries. It aims at strengthening peace and security and The continent by promoting cooperation among the member states in human right education, economic and social development and scientific exchanges.
Headquarters: Washington
The League of Arab states(The Arab States): The arab league was created on march 22,1945 to strengthen member ties and further promote Arab aspirations there are 21 member countries.
Headquqrters :- Egypt
African Union(AU) :The african Union came in to existence on may 26,2001
following its ratification by the required two-third of Organisation of african unity (OAU) member states. The OAU dissolved itself on may 25,2001 to allow for the creation of the african union.The union will be aming to the 52, african members states politically, socially and economically.
Association of South East Asian Nation ( ASEAN) : The ASEAN was formed on August 8, 1967 by Indonesia Thailand , Philipines , Malayasia and Singapore to promote active collaboration and mutual assistance in matters of common interest in the economic , social, cultural , technical , scientific and administrative fields . Later Brunei , Laos , Cambodia , Vietman and Mayanmar joined the organisation .
Headquarter : Jakarta (Indonesia)
Organiisation Petroleum Exporting countries(OPEC) : The organisation was formed on December 14, 1960 , to control production and pricing of crude oil . Its members are 11 : Algeria , Indonesia , Iran , Iraq , Kuwat , libya , Nigeria , Qatar , Saudi Arabia , United Arab Emirates , and Venuezala .
Headquarters : Vienna ( Austria )
International Criminal Police Organisation (INTERPOL) : Formed in 1923 and reconstituted in 1956 , composed of 181 members countries . it aims at ensuring maximum cooperation between police authorities with the strict exclusion of political , military , religious and racial matter
Non Aligned Movement ( NAM) : NAM was formed in 1961 . it has 118 members. The movement is based on the presumption that existance of power bloc is not conducive to world peace . Therefore its members have joned any power bloc .
South Aian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) : It was formed in 1985 by the leaders of the seven countries . at present there are eight members of SAARC namely India , Bangaldesh , Pakistan , Srilanka , Bhutan , Nepal , Maldieves and Afghanistan . Its main objective is to promote the welfare of the peoples of South Asia , to accelerate economic growth , social progress and cultural develoment of the region and to promote collective self-reliance .
Headquarter : Kathmandu(Nepal)
Asian Development Bank : It is an international financing institution set up in 1966 primarily with the sole object of helping underdeveloped countries in their development plans . It has 44 regional memebers and 17 non regional members .
Headquarter : Manila (Phillipines)
European Free Trade Association ( EFTA ) : EFTA was formed in May 3 ,1960 , with its main goal of gradual reduvtion of customs duties and quantitative restriction on industrial goods among members . Its members nation are Iceland , Liechtenstein , Norway and Switzerland . Two members of the UK and Denmark left EEFTA in 1973.
Head quarter : Geneva ( Switzerland)
European Space Agency ( ESA ) : The ESA is an organisation of European countries that engages in space research and technology it was founded in 1975 and the members are Austria , Belgium , Denmark , Finland , France , Germany , Ireland , Italy , Netherlands , Norway , Potugal , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland and the UK .
Headquarter : Paris
International Committee Of the Red Cross (ICRC ) : Established in 1863 , the ICRC organises care for the victims of war and enforces the various conventions on wartime practices . the ICRC constitutes , with the League of Red Cross Society , the International Red Cross.
It has 179 members countries .
Headquarter ; Geneva ( Switzerland )
Group of Eight : G-8 consist of the eight weathlist nations of the world : the United States of America , Japan , Germanyy , France , the UK , Italy , Cnanada and Russia . The heads of the governments of these eight countries meet annually at different cenues to discuss economic matters and world plitical problems .
Group of 77 : The ‘ Group of 77’ is an economic gtoup of Third World countries which was founeder under the auspices of the UNO in 1964 to protect and defend the economic and trade interest of the developing countries . it comprises 135 developing countries from Asia , Africa , and Latin America .
Group of Fifteen : G-15 , an economic groupibg of developing countries of Asia African and Latin America countries , was formed in Malaysia in 1990 . The number of G-15 member countries has now swelled to 19 : these are : Algeria , Argrntina , Brazil , Colombia , Egypt , India, Iran Jamacia , Indonesia , Srilanka , Kenya , Malaysia ,Mexico , Nigeria , Peru , Senegal , Venezulea , Serbia and Montenegro and Zimbambwe .
Group of Twenty : It is a newly-constituted group of 20 countries including 8 members of G-8 which will deliberate worlds major economic problems . India has been admitted into the Group in view of its economic strength urugue is 21st member of the group.
South Commision : Initially known as south-south commission, the south commission, set up by the Non-aligned movement,seeks to safeguard the intrests of the member countries against the discriminatory practies and policies imposed by the international financial institutions and the creditor governments. It has 28 members.
Headquarters: Geneva (switzerland). :
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD): Established on sep. 30, 1961, its aim at encouraging world trade and economic progress and aid under developed nation . it has 30 members countries and headquarters are at france .
Asia-Pecific Economic Co-operation ( APEC ) : Founeded on nov. 7, 1989 , in response to the growing inter dependence among Asia-Pecific economies. It promote multilateral trade and economic co-operation between member states . It has 21 member countries and headquarter at Singhapore .

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