Monday, January 2, 2012

Civil Engineering Interview Questions and Answers

This article will give you the list of subject specific questions frequently asked during interview. For Personal profile related and experience related questions refer General engineering interview questions.

Deadly Interview Question Answers

Question 1. Tell me about yourself. 
This is the first question you could be asked in any interview. This may sound simple but if you are unprepared you could be in big problem. So just prepare yourself for this simple yet difficult question Start with one two lines about yourself, who you are ? a brief 1 line about your family [ this depends on what kind of interview you are going through] and lastly why are you the best suited person for this job. Tell about your achievements but never sound too proud of your achievements, highlight yourself but with decency. Remember the golden rule
“First Impression is the last impression.”
Question 2: What are your greatest strengths? 
This question is to judge how you present yourself, are you the person who talks too much, are you arrogant or are you the one who just do what others say and thus never realized your strengths.
The answer to this question should be linked with facts and figures if possible. If you had any previous achievements say you lead a team which did wonderful and thus you are a team leader and all. Highlight yourself, tell your strengths but be sure it is well supported and you just don’t start sayings just to impress. Remember the HR person will grill you if he even finds an iota of doubt in what you are saying. Some points on which you could support your answer could be – honesty, leadership, tech savvy, confident, good communication skills, positive attitude, motivational and inspirational leader etc.
So just prepare yourself for this question, make a mental note of all your achievements.
Question 3: What are your greatest weaknesses? 
Now this is the question which could either end your interview or could just get you the job. Don’t mince with words, at the same time just don’t be too blunt. Tell your weakness but also tell what you are doing to over come it. Never say I can not do this. Instead say, I have never done this but I am eager to learn and am sure if our company needs it I will do it.
Note – Never say your company or what would be my position in your company, use our company. Some HR people might ask you why you are saying our before selection then do say – its because I am confident that I am the best person for this vacancy.
Question 4: Tell me about something you did – or failed to do – that you now feel a little ashamed of. 
This question is just to see how you react to embarrassing situations. Of course you just can not say “SKIP THIS PLEASE.” So better prepare yourself. Take your time to reply to this one, at first say I am really finding it very hard to find any such situation as I believe the best way to avoid shame is never do such things.
Most of the interviewers just will proceed to another question but if he or she insists to elaborate then give any appropriate reply but be sure it should not sound that you are so regretful that it still has a mental impact on you. Remember
”Life must go on….no matter what”
Question 5: Why are you leaving (or did you leave) this position? 
By asking this question, the interviewer just wishes to see how much respect you give to your management, colleagues etc. So never say bad words about any of your earlier employers or management. Remember – Never talk bad about any one even if he or she has been the worst boss.
There can be two situation –
First is when you already have one job – In this situation tell truthfully that you see a bright future or this work profile suits you more than current one or so. Never say – I am joining you because you pay more. If you say so, 99% chances are you would be thrown out of interview.
Secondly when you are a fresher or you don’t have any job
If you have been fired, then tell them why you were fired, what you have learnt from that incident and what are you doing to make sure this would never happen again in life. Don’t hide the facts, companies do check each and every individual so even if you don’t tell them, they know it.
If you are a fresher then you just say I am fresher and you are done with this question
Question 6: Why should I hire you? 
The most commonly asked question but the question which is most difficult to answer. Before you enter any interview make sure you have read about the company, job profile and all. As soon as this question is asked, start matching your personality traits with the job requirements. Show how you are the best suited person for this job.
For example – If you are going for a job which involves marketing, then convince the interview that you have a personality which is best suited for this job.
The bottom line is – Match yourself with what the job profile is and thus the interviewer should feel that you are the best person for the job.
Question 7 : Where do you see yourself five years from now? 
This question is usually asked to see how much ambitious you are and what is your actual reason for joining the company. If you say I see myself as one of the richest manager in town – forget about the job and leave. You need to show that you are a person with focused aims and you are willing to work to fulfill your dreams. Don’t be over ambitious and say I want to be in board of directors in next 5 years. Of course that is not possible unless lady luck stays with you 24*7 for all 5 years.
During an interview I said – I want to see me at your post and you in top management and believe me, the interviewer had a very good laugh and said that was really clever. I don’t suggest you to say this every time but yes if you feel the person has a jolly nature you can say so
Question 8: Why do you want to work at our company?
This question is asked to check whether you know about the company and work profile or it was just that you got a call from your friend and you walked in the interview.
So do your homework and check annual reports of company, browse website or any relevant data. See the areas where company is growing and match your skills with it. Show the interviewer how you could add to the overall profit of company.
Question 9: What are your hobbies?
This question is asked to judge your personality. I have seen hundreds of resume which say –
Hobbies – reading books, listening songs, browsing internet , sleeping.
For god sake don’t copy it from other’s resume and use it. Write what you actually do. Don’t write I have a hobby of reading books when you could not even name 1 book if asked for. Never be fake, tell them truthfully what you do.
Mention some hobbies which are directly or indirectly linked with job. But make sure you have that hobby. If not then say what you actually do. Different people have different hobbies, so there is nothing to be ashamed off.
Civil engineering is one of the oldest branches of engineering that deals with the design, construction and maintenance of buildings, roads, bridges, artificial waterways, dams etc. Civil engineers have shown their expertise from time immemorial. From the Roman Pantheon to Hong Kong international airport, civil engineers have excelled in every step. Interview questions for civil engineers include strength of materials, material science, energy engineering, environmental engineering and earthquake engineering.
  • Define Modulus of Elasticity? 
    Modulus of Elasticity, also know as elastic modulus is the elastic deformation tendency of a material. In the stress strain curve the slope is the elastic modulus.
  • What is the chemical composition of cement? 
    Cement primarily consists of CaO. The chemical composition of Portland cement is tricalcium silicate, dicalcium silicate, tricalcium aluminate and tetracalcium aluminoferrite.
  • What is tensile strength? 
    It is the maximum longitudinal stress that an object can withstand without necking. It denotes the maximum point in a stress strain curve.
  • Which is the world’s largest hydroelectric project? 
    The Three Gorges dam on Yangtze River in China is the world’s largest hydroelectric project in terms of total capacity. The total capacity of the Three Gorges dam upon full completion would be 22500 MW with 32 turbines. Its length is 2335m and height is 101m. The second largest is the Itaipu dam on the Parana River in the border of Brazil and Paraguay. Its length is 7700m and height is 196m with a capacity of 14GW in 20 turbines.
  • Explain soil analysis. 
    Soil testing is a qualitative analysis to determine the nutritional and elemental composition of soil. Soil is mostly tested for elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It is also tested for acidity, moisture, organic contents and contaminants.
  • What are the points in the stress strain curve for mild steel? 
    The points in the stress strain curve for mild steel are Proportional limit, elastic limit or yield point, ultimate stress and stress at failure.
  • What are building codes? 
    Building codes are a set of specifications regarding minimum safety conditions that any building should take in account during construction. Building codes deal with the height, spacing, installations of a building. These codes lay huge emphasis on safety and ease to evacuate the building in case of an emergency.
  • What is fire resistance rating? 
    It is a measure of time up to which a system could resist the fire resistance test. It is generally depicted by a time-temperature graph.
  • What are tectonic plates? 
    Tectonic plates are the pieces of the Earth’s lithosphere. The lithosphere lies over the asthenophere, which has a higher density and makes the tectonic plates on the lithosphere to move. The movement of the tectonic plates is said to be the cause of earthquakes. Ocean trenches, volcanoes and mountains exist at the meeting points of two tectonic plates.
  • What is the Richter scale? 
    The Richter scale, a base 10 logarithmic scale, is a measure to quantify the seismic energy from an earthquake.

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