Friday, November 8, 2013

Wipro Placement/aptitude Test paper 2009

Wipro aptitude Test paper 2009 at SVCE
I am **** kumar from *******,Andhrapradesh.I belongs to Computer Science & Engineering branch. I had selected for Wipro on June 25th in ******* . I want to share my interview experience with you. First of all I will tell u about the selection process of Wipro.
It consists of 3 rounds.
1. written test
2. Technical interview
3. HR interview.
Written test: It consists of 50Q and the duration is 1 hr.

15Q from verbal (topics: active voice & passive voice, reported speech, phrases, antonym,
synonym, jumbled word,analogies)
15Q from aptitude (topics: Blood relations, conclusion from the paragraph, time& work, theme
of the paragraph, probability, avg, areas, si and ci, ratios and proportion )
20Q from technical (topics: C , DS, java, c++, general, OS, Unix, networks)
Verbal section:
1. convert the following sentence into indirect speech
The teacher told the students"Don’t make noise".
2. convert the following sentence into passive voice
Will the postman post the letters?
Ans: Will the letters be posted by the postman.
3. what is the meaning of the phrase " deep water"
a) secret b) serious trouble c) ocean d)
4. In the following options what is the best phrase which replaces the underlined phrase in the
given sentence.
Children must have to be take care while crossing the roads
A) should have to be B) must be C) have to be D)should be
5. Life history of a person written by other person
a) autobiography b) biography c) bibliography d)
6. A jumbled word known as G I T B H R If the word is arranged in correct
1 2 3 4 5 6
order then what will be the order of number
Ans: BRIGHT (462153)
7. A jumbled word known as C E T A R If the word is arranged in correct
1 2 3 4 5
order then what will be the order of number
Ans: TRACE (35412)
8. Antonym of the word PERSPICUITY
Ans: vagueness
9. DERANGE = insane (synonym)
Correct the underlined part in the following sentence
10. When I returned my home from office I saw the flower pots are broken infront of my home.
a) flower pots were broken b) flower pots had broken c) flower pots has been broken
11. The walls are now wet because yesterday it has been raining.
a) was raining b) had rained c) has rained (I expect these are the options )
12. One question is like match the following i.e, one side a word is given and other side
appropriate sentence is given
A. Employer E. The painting is done by an expert hand
B. Superior F. Students love their teachers
C. Painter G. The dog is trained by his male owner
D. Teacher H. Slaves has fear about their master
(The II side of the matching options are not exact ,I guess these )
The answers will be in this form
a) A-H, B-G, C-E, D-F b) A-F, B-G, C-E, D-H the options are like that
13. what is the meaning of the phrase " face the music"
a) face serious troubles etc
Two ANALOGIES are there I can’t remember those
14. : awareness :: ____________ (left side there is some word given I forgot )
15. : moribund :: ____________
Aptitude Section:
1. The sharp decline in the mortality since 1941 shows that who argue that the introduction of
new chemicals has caused serve health problems are mistaken from 1940-1979, the average life
expectancy for the entire United States population increased from 63.6 to 73.6 years, and the
total age adjusted death rate declined by forty five percent, including decline in every age, sex
and racial group. There were also the years in which there was a dramatic increase in the
use of new chemicals in this country. Clearly, then those modern aids to industry have no
adverse effects on the general health of society. Which of the following is an assumption
underlying the conclusion of the passage above?
A) The increase in life expectancy in the United States was paralleled by corresponding increases
in other countries.
B) The growth in the average life expectancy in the United States cannot be attributed to any
single factor, but is a general phenomenon.
C) The increase in life expectancy would not have been greater if there had not been an increase
in the use of chemicals.
D) Growth in the use of chemicals was a crucial factor in the development of industry from
2. There is a family of six persons P,Q,R,S,T and U.They are Lawyer, Doctor, Teacher,
Salesman,Engineer and Accountant. There are two married couples in the family. S, the
salesman is married to the Lady Teacher. The Doctor is married to the Lawyer U, The
Accountant is the son of Q and brother of T. R, the Lawyer is the daughter-in-law of P. T is the
unmarried Engineer. P is the Grandmother of U. Which is the profession of P?
a)Lawyer b)Teacher c)Doctor d)Accountant
Ans: b
3. There are 6 volumes of books on a rack kept in order(i.e vol.1, vol.2 and so on). Give the
position after the following changes were noticed.
All books have been changed.
vol.5 was directly to the right of vol.2.
vol.4 has vol.6 to its left and both weren't at vol.3's place.
vol.1 has vol.3 on right and vol.5 on left.
An even numbered volume is at vol.5's place.
Find the order in which the books are kept now.
a)2,5,1,3,6,4 b)4,1,3,6,5,2 c)5,4,6,3,1,2 d)3,5,4,2,6,1
4.Examine carefully the following sequence of numbers:
hint: ( in first row one 1, in 2nd row two 1s, in 3rd row one 1,........
Although the sequence appear to behave totally at random, In fact , after the first sequence, each
sequence is constructed in a precise and methodical way based on the previous one. What is the
next sequence?
a)11322212311233113232211211 b)11131221133112132113212221
c)11131221133112221132122211 d)11131221133312112211321222
Ans : c (not confirm)
5. I) C is father of N but N is not son of C.
II) M is daughter of B and sister of P.
III) P is brother of N.
Which of the following is can not be inferred from the information given?
a) N is brother of P b) B has three children c) N is younger to P d)B has
Ans: c
6. If the class marks in frequency distribution weights of students be
128,137,146,155,164,173&182kgs then,the first class boundary is
A)121.5 B)122.5 C)123.5 D)124.5
7. 9 laboures can complete the construction of a wall in 18 days.How many less days will 12
laboures take to complete the same wall?
A)2 1/2 B)4 1/2 C)13 1/2 D)1/2
Ans: B
8. The rectangle box with square base is open at the top.The maximum volume of the box made
from 1200 m2 tin,in m3 is:
A)2000 B)2500 C)3000 D)4000
9. A person was fined for exceeding the speed limit by 10 km/hr.Another person was also fined
for exceeding the same speed limit by twice the same.If the second person was traveling at a
speed of 35km/hr,find the speed limit.
A)19km/hr B)27 km/hr c)30 km/hr D)15 km/hr
10. The difference between the compound and simple interest on a certain sum for 2 years at the
rate of 8% per annum is Rs.80,What is the sum?
A)11,880 B)12,500 C)13,250 D)14,270
11. The ratio between two numbers is 5:7 and their product is 560.What is the difference
between these two numbers?
A)8 B)12 C)6 D)21
Ans: A
12. In a family Reshma is elder sister of Ragini.Soni is Reshma's daughter and Saloni is Soni's
cousin.Ragini's mother is Rajani.Ramani is the sister-in-law of Reshma.Who is Soni's
A)Reshma B)Ragini C)Rajani D)Ramani
Ans: C
13. The mean and the variance of a binomial distribution are 4 and 2 respectively.Then the
probability of 2 successes is:
A)37/256 B)219/256 C)128/256 D)28/256
Ans: D
14. Take any positive whole number not greater than 50.If the number is even, divide it by 2.If
the number is odd,multiply it by 3,and add 1 to the result.Apply the same method to the resulting
numbers until you finally arrive at the number 1.shown below is the chain of numbers that results
from this method if you begin with 15.
As you can see, the number 15 requires 17 steps to end up at 1.Of the numbers not greater than
50,which takes the longest to reach the number 1 ?
A)26 B)27 C)28 D)17
Ans: B
15. After spending 2/3 of his salary on rent and food items and 1/4th of the remaining on
transportation,Rajesh has 6000 with him.How much did he pay on transportation?
A)Rs.2000 B)Rs.4000 C)Rs.6000 D)Rs.1000
Ans: A
Technical Section:
1. what is the o/p of the program
incr(); incr(); incr();
static int i;
a) prints 123 b) prints 111 c) prints garbage value d) error
Ans: a
2. what is the o/p
char a[3][4]={ “abcd”, “efgh”, “ijkl” };
a) syntax error b) prints some letter in those given c) prints garbage value d)
( The above program may not be the exact one but the same with small changes in the letters
given above)
3. what is the o/p (I can’t exactly remember this program and options)
int i=123;
a) 123 b) 0123 c) 00123 d) error
4. After compiling a c program in UNIX using gcc compiler the executable file will be
a) a.out b) a.exe c) a.bat d)
Ans: a
5. In UNIX the commands like date, cat ,ls etc., are present in
a) /dev b) /bin and /usr/bin c) /etc d) /tmp
Ans: b
6. which of the following is not a data structure
a) stack b) queue c) tree d) none
Ans: d
7. If we declare a variable with which of the following keyword so that its value will be
automatically initialized to 0.
a) auto b) static c) extern d) register
Ans: b
8. The language in which we can represent class and all its members with some graphical
a) Unified graphical language b) Unified Modelling language c) d)
Ans: b
9. Thrashing means
a) excessive page i/o b) no paging c) d)
Ans: a
10. The principal author of c++ is
a) Dennis Ritchie b) James Goslings c) Bjarne Stroustrup d) Grady Booch
Ans: c
11. main()
int i=2;
a) i+=2 is executed only by child b) i+=2 is executed only by parent c) d)
Ans: b (not confirm)
12. The EIDE is connected to which part in a computer
a) sound card b) video card c) hard disk d)none
13. In batch file which of the following is used to display messages to the user (just like
comments) those are not commands i.e., they will not execute
a) # b) ; c) REM d) HIDE
Ans: c
14. If an exception is uncaught by exception handler then ( some choices are given like)
a) it will call exit b) it will call abort c) it will return to main d)
15.In UNIX scheduling is for
a) to give priority for the processes which are waiting for a long time for I/O
b) for n
16. The use of typed operator is
17. The rotating disks which are used in older systems are replaced with
a) ROM b) Flash memory c) holographical memory d)
(The last two choices I did’t remember)
18. one question related to computer networks i.e., given some data transfer rate like 1.3 Mbps to
a) down load rate b) transmitting rate c) d)
19. In an array there are some elements stored in ascending order if we need to search an element
then we will search the fourth element if that is bigger than search element then we will search
the three previous elements otherwise we will search three elements which are present next to
that fourth element (and something is given) and asked that to get a minimum number of
searches where the element should be
a) at the end of the three numbers b) at the beginning of the three numbers c) d)
Total no of students attended for the interview were about 1000 and the no of students cleared
the written are about 250;
Technical Interview:
I got call from the interviewer at around 7:30 P.M. . The technical interviewer was very cool and
friendly and he made me to feel free. But you must express your views confidently and you must
have a smily face.
The questions asked for me were
1. Tell me about yourself
2. About my mini project and he asked some questions on it. We need to explain in such a way
that he should get impressed.
3. What are the various searching techniques and explain with examples.
4. what is paging and segmentation
5. how many tree traversals are there?
I told 3.
He asked why we need three. I told something.
He was very cool and said that u need to put a question why for every concept or topic so that u
can get good knowledge and good grip on subject.
6. And asked some general questions like if I had a company and I
will give u job but without any salary for 5 months, what will do.
And if wont pay salary for another 1 year what will u do.
That’s it the T.I for me and finally he told that OK sarath I was impressed with ur performance .
Thank u.
After completion of TI he will give u application form and told u to go to the HR.
The number of students cleared T.I are 91.
HR Interview:
It was very easy and cool. Don't feel tense and nervous before HR. H.R interviewer was a lady .
she asked about my achievements ,hobbies and family background.
Be confident in H.R interview always with a smily face.and eye to eye contact is very important.
That's it friends. Finally 51 students are selected, I was one among those.
All the best

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