Friday, November 8, 2013

IT/Software :Microsoft,Airbus,Citrix ,Symantec,Oracle Placement Rounds & Interview Experience

Microsoft Interview :
Round 1 :
• Asked questions from the written test from the Binary Tree question. My answer
to that question was incomplete. He asked me to construct the Binary Tree &
asked to write its preorder & inorder traversal.
• Write a program for the following :
There is a set of numbers which are of the form p2 + q2 where p,q are distinct
positive integers. Given 'l', print all Arithmetic Progression series containing 'l'
elements from this set.
Round 2 :
• Few personal questions to start with.

• Asked about M.Tech. Project.
• Given two sorted arrays with one of them having enough auxillary memory to
hold both arrays, merge them, in space, to get a sorted array.

Airbus Interview :
Technical Round :
• Asked about the mini-projects that I had completed in M.Tech. courses.
• Majority of the time they were explaining about their job/projects where they
currently have openings.
• Give outputs of many functions that were in C & MATLAB.
• Write two programs :
• Print Fibonacci Numbers in triangular fashion.
• Implement queue using stacks.
HR Round :
• Normal chit-chatting.
• Asked about my life so far & so on.
• Strengths & weaknesses.
• Told me to clarify any doubts I have about the Company, my expectations, plans

Citrix Interview :
Round 1 :
• Write a function to toggle kth Least Significant Bit in a given integer.
• Write a function for itoa(); i.e. Given an integer, it should return array of
characters of those digits.
• Asked about concept of semaphores, deadlocks, starvation.
• Asked to explain idea of n-Producers n-Consumers problem.
• What happens when you give command ./a.out ? { Answer is not that it will
execute the program. He was expecting the back-end part. The answer is that
bash will fork a child & execute the program in the foreground. }
• Puzzle : There are 4 ants on 4 corners of a square. The ants start walking but
are allowed to walk only on edges. What is the probability that the ants will not
collide ?
Round 2 :
• Started with some personal questions.
• Again concept of semaphores & deadlocks.
• Concept of IPC ( Inter Process Communication ).
• Various networks protocols.
• Write a program to check whether a number 'n' is prime or not. { I gave a bruteforce
solution to check for divisibility upto sqrt( n ). }
• He said this solution is over wide domain & asked to improvise. { I replied to
check for numbers of the form [ 4k( + or - )1 ]. }
• He said this was 'fine' then asked me to develop a recursive function to find kth
prime number. { First I tried to explain that for prime numbers writing a
recursive function is impossible because there is no defined function / relation /
pattern in prime numbers. }
• Then he gave a 'logic' : prepare a list of prime numbers knowing that kth prime
number will not be divisible by any of the previous k-1 prime numbers. He asked
me to develop the recursive function on this logic. { I concluded that even in
this 'logic' one cannot develop recursion. There has to be brute-force check. }

Symantec Interview :
Round 1 :
• What is your favorite data structure ? { I don't have any preference as such. }
• What data structure will you use to represent a dictionary ? { Tries. }
• He gave 5 words : India, Bangalore, IISc, Symantec, Cricket. And asked me to
prepare a trie for these words only. Then asked to evaluate memory
requirement. Also, write a function to create various meta-elements of this trie.
• Write a program to merge to sorted arrays into a third array.
• Write a program to find nearest common ancestor of two nodes in a binary tree.
• Implement stacks using linked lists.
• Concept of static variables. Where are static variables stored ?
• Difference between following two declarations :
• static int a ;
• int a = 0;
both declared as global variables in a program.
• What happens in backend when you declare a function ?
• Concept of static functions.

Oracle Interview :
Round 1 :
• What are pre-processor directives ?
• What are macros ? Give an example.
• Declare an array of 10 integers. ( ??? )
• When do you use dynamic memory allocations & arrays ?
• Give syntax of malloc(), calloc() & realloc(). What is the difference between
malloc() & calloc().
• Delete an element from the linked list given address only to that node. { Copy
the next element into this node & delete the next node. This would be fast
implementation. But from memory point of view, it would be better to continue
shifting of elements & deleting the last node. }
• Logic to insert an element in a linked list.
• Concept of hashing. Give an application of hashing. { Cache Memory. }
• Declaration of function pointers.
• What is a zombie ?
• Puzzle : Gave a set of random numbers. Asked to find a missing number.
{ Couldn't answer this. }
Written Test :
• Write a function to rotate a string by one step.
• An array of 'n' integers is given. Write a function that will find a sub-array in this
array that has maximum sum. The sub-array is continuous set of elements in
the given array. Value of maximum sum is not given ( to be displayed ). Also
display the sub-array ( number of elements in the solution sub-array is also to
be found out ).
• There is a carrom board of 1m X 1m dimension with 4 pockets in the corner. The
co-ordinates of the coins on the board & queen are given. Write a program that
will tell which, among the pockets, is it feasible to pocket the queen.
Technical Interview :
• Asked me to explain the concept I used to write the above programs.
• A cluster of points in a 2D plane is given. Given a point, how to find which point
among the cluster is nearest to it ? { Use of distance formula in brute-force is
intuitive but it is computationally highly inefficient. Instead construct convex
hull & check with borders }.
• How do you dynamically extend the size of an array that has been dynamically
created ? This means :
First you do --> a = ( int * )malloc( n * sizeof( int ) );
which is for array of 'n' integers dynamically created. Then, how do you extend
its size & start storing more than 'n' integers ?
{ I replied the following :
int *p;
p = &( a[n-1] );
p = ( int * )malloc( m * sizeof( int ) );
now it can store m+n elements. }
• Asked about M.Tech. Mini Projects & elaborated on concepts used in them.
• Then since he had no idea about SERC, he was enquiring about various courses
& course details.
HR Interview :
• Typical standard chit-chatting. { He was taking notes of everything. }
• Asked about my life-history, etc. etc.
Tie-Breaker Interview :
This was just an overview on various 'names' ( from Topology domain ) :
• Drew K3 & K4 graphs & asked to identify them.
• Asked whether it is feasible to have a solution for Postman Problem in these
graphs. ( Postman Problem is that we have to traverse all the edges without
repeating any edge ). { I replied that for Kn graphs, the solution is feasible,
without repetition, for even n & not feasible, without repetition, for odd n. }
He asked to prove my statement which I did.
• Proper technical definition of a tree.
• Concept of planar graph, induced graph, bi-partite graph.
• Asked about my M.Tech. Final Project. Enquired about various skill-set that I had
mentioned in my Resume.
• Asked about grades in various subjects. ( ??? )

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