Saturday, November 2, 2013

Inmobi Placement Experience - Written Test

Inmobi Written Test - Incomplete
Hi all
 Today we had Inmobi on campus . Its a very fast growing mobile ads company . They make use of cutting edge technologies to provide ad services to their client by seamlessly integrating the ads in the mobile internet . With the ever growing pace of smartphones and the new 3G services , this company surely has a bright future .
  They intially presented a slideshow about their company  Inmobi Profile . Then they had a written test for 90 minutes . The paper had four sections .
Section 1
 1. Given a Linked list with a loop , the head pointer and another node . How do u remove the loop .
2. Using the Trie Data structure to implement a small intranet search engine . They asked us to implement a function to add a page to the search space and another function to return an array of strings containing the pages .

3. A problem on using adjacency list to find the minimum number of traffic policemen required for a patrolling traffic on a junction of roads .
4. A function to find loop within a linked list was given . We had to find 2 logical errors in it and give a proper solution.

Section 2
  Some more problems on programming . To find errors , testcases , output etc etc . I dont remember right now . Will update tomorrow .

Section 3 - Unix
  This was my favourite part of the paper . So I will also give my answers here :)

1. Which of these is not a shell ?
     a. bash    b.tcsh   c.xterm   d.zsh
    Answer : c.xterm  - it is just a terminal emulation for X window System .

2. What is crom ? what are the default fields in crontab ?
       Cron is the job scheduler in unix . We can specify the commands to be run at a particular time and it automatically runs it .
   These details need to be given in the crontab . I don't know the exact fields , but I guess it will atleast have 2 fields - the command to be run and the time .

3. Why do we give #/bin/sh at the beginning of shell scripts even though we know that # means that the line is a comment  ?
   This is used to specify the interpreter which the shell must use to run the script. It tells the path from where the interpreter needs to be invoked .
Ex : #!/bin/sh - invokes bash     #!/bin/ksh -invokes korn shell

4. What is the output of the following in perl - $a = 2 ; $b=3 ; $x = "$a.$b" ; print $x; ?
      I completely screwed this up :(  In perl dot is used as a concatentation operator but since it is used within double quotes the answer is 2.3 .

5.  What is inode ? What is its importance ?

6. What is pipe ? How is it used ?

7. What is the difference between the following  "tail -30f myfile.txt " , "tail -f myfile.txt " and "tail -30 myfile.txt " ?

8.What are Sticky bits ? How are they used ?

9 . Suppose U log in to a unix system , how can u print ur username ?
     a. who am i          b. id             c. whoami            d.all do the same
     I wrote  c. whoami  because of the following
umesh@ubuntu:~$ who am i
umesh    pts/4        2010-09-01 23:37 (:0.0)
umesh@ubuntu:~$ whoami
umesh@ubuntu:~$ id
uid=1000(umesh) gid=1000(umesh) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),104(fuse),105(lpadmin),119(admin),122(sambashare),1000(umesh)

10 . What is the difference between the following :  date;who >MyLogFile  and (date;who)>MyLogFile ?
Section 4  - Puzzles

1. Some simple question on father,son,daughter,brother relations kind of question
2. Questions on probability

10 . Function to check if a number is power of 2 without using modulus operator % ?

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