1. T8 cells are related with—
(A) Helper T cells
(B) Cytotoxic T cells
(C) Suppressor T cell
(D) None of the above
2. In humans, which brain wave pattern disappears entirely during sleep ?
(A) Alpha waves
(B) Beta waves
(C) Theta waves
(D) Delta waves
3. Which of the following is lymphatic system related disease ?
(A) Hodgkin’s disease
(B) Multiple myeloma
(C) Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
(D) All the above
4. Hodgkin’s disease is associated with—
(A) Lymphocytes
(B) Leucocytes
(C) Erythrocytes
(D) All the above
5. In humans, which side of cerebral hemisphere recognises the faces of friends and family members ?
(A) Left cerebral hemisphere
(B) Right cerebral hemisphere
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
6. Honey that has a high concentration of sugar, does not decay because—
(A) It contains natural antioxidant that prevent bacterial attack
(B) Bacteria cannot survive in an active state in a solution of high osmotic strength, as water is drawn out from honey
(C) In honey bacteria are totally deprived of oxygen
(D) None of the above
7. Prosoma in scorpion comprises—
(A) Head
(B) Head and thorax
(C) Head, thorax and abdomen
(D) Only abdomen
8. What causes Pituitary Nanism ?
(A) Hyposecretion of Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
(B) Hypersecretion of Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
(C) Hyposecretion of Somatotrophic hormone
(D) Hypersecretion of Somatotrophic hormome
9. Which of the following is ironstoring protein ?
(A) Alpha glubulin
(B) Gamma glubulin
(C) Ferritin
(D) Albumins
10. Red tide is caused by—
(A) Protozoans
(B) Corals
(C) Dinoflagellates
(D) All the above
11. The major constituent of vertebrate bone is—
(A) Calcium phosphate
(B) Calcium carbonate
(C) Sodium chloride
(D) Potassium hydroxide
12. Find the odd one out—
(A) Guineaworm
(B) Hookworm
(C) Ringworm
(D) Tapeworm
13. Taste buds located on tongue, are example of—
(A) Interoreceptors
(B) Exteroreceptors
(C) Teloreceptors
(D) Phonoreceptors
14. Body cells infected with virus produce a protein called—
(A) Interferon
(B) Properdin
(C) Gamma globulin
(D) Hybridoma
15. Capacitation of sperm in mammals involves—
(A) Sperm size change
(B) Acrosome reaction
(C) Nuclear chromatin change
(D) Mitochondrial alignment
16. Marfan syndrome is inherited as an autosomal dominant abnormality of—
(A) Eyes
(B) Cardiovascular system
(C) Skeletal system
(D) All the above
17. The cytoplasmic segment of striated muscle fibre is termed—
(A) Metamere
(B) Neuromere
(C) Sarcoplasm
(D) Sarcomere
18. Which one of the following is pandemic disease ?
(A) Amoebic dysentery
(B) Hepatitis
(C) Filariasis
(D) Influenza
19. Corpus striatum is found in—
(A) Paracoel
(B) Diocoel
(C) Metacoel
(D) Cerebral hemisphere
20. The polio virus enters the body through—
(A) Mosquito bites
(B) Tick bites
(C) Contaminated food and water
(D) Saliva and secretion from the nose
21. Products of adenine and guanine metabolism are excreted by humans as—
(A) Ammonia
(B) Urea
(C) Uric acid
(D) Allantoin
22. The rate and force of the heartbeat, the secretion of digestive glands are controlled by the—
(A) Central nervous system
(B) Spinal nerves
(C) Cranial nerves
(D) Autonomic nervous system
23. The extra embryonic membranes of mammalian embryo are derived from—
(A) Inner cell mass
(B) Trophoblast
(C) Formative cells
(D) Follicle cells
24. People who live at high altitudes have rosy cheeks because—
(A) Haemoglobin has an increased binding affinity for oxygen
(B) RBCs and haemoglobin concentration becomes considerably above the average in response to lowered oxygen pressure
(C) Rate of capillary circulation increases in the skin
(D) All the above
25. Which of the following animal belongs to phylum Mollusca ?
(A) Globe fish
(B) Star fish
(C) Silver fish
(D) Cuttle fish
26. Milk teeth in a child of 3-4 years do not include—
(A) Incisors
(B) Canines
(C) Molars
(D) Premolars
27. Which of the following is the only poisonous lizard of the world ?
(A) Ophiosaurus
(B) Varanus
(C) Heloderma
(D) Draco
28. Wharton’s duct in man is related to—
(A) Male genital organs
(B) Brunner’s gland
(C) Submandibular salivary gland
(D) All the above
29. The secretions from which of the following glands form ootheca in cockroach ?
(A) Colleterial glands
(B) Mushroom glands
(C) Phallic glands
(D) Spermatheca
30. Sensory cells that occur in the pits or canals of lateral line system of fishes are—
(A) Neurochrome
(B) Neuroglia
(C) Neuromast
(D) None of the above
31. The thickening of wall of artery is called—
(A) Aneurysm
(B) Arteriosclerosis
(C) Arthritis
(D) Both (A) and (C)
32. Lining of human intestine is—
(A) Ciliated
(B) Keratinized
(C) Brush border
(D) All the above
33. Which blood group has both 'a' and 'b' antibodies ?
(A) O
(B) AB
(C) A
(D) B
34. Glycosidic bond is broken during digestion of—
(A) Protein
(B) Starch
(C) Lipid
(D) All of these
35. Passive food ingestion in Amoeba is known as—
(A) Invagination
(B) Import
(C) Circumfluence
(D) Circumvallation
36. In gout patients, high level of one of the following is found in blood—
(A) Urea
(B) Uric acid
(C) Cholesterol
(D) All the above
37. The anion present in pancreatic juice is—
(A) Chloride
(B) Bromide
(C) Phosphate
(D) Bicarbonate
38. Preganglionic sympathetic fibres are—
(A) Adrenergic
(B) Cholinergic
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these
39. The muscles associated with the heart of insects are—
(A) Radial
(B) Alary
(C) Striped
(D) Pericardial
40. The goblet cells present in the intestinal lining are—
(A) Holocrine
(B) Merocrine
(C) Apocrine
(D) Endocrine
41. Chaga’s disease is caused by—
(A) Trypanosoma gambiense
(B) Trypanosoma cruzi
(C) Trypanosoma bruci
(D) None of the above
42. A chemical process common in the digestion of all kinds of food is—
(A) Condensation
(B) Hydrolysis
(C) Phosphorylation
(D) Emulsification
43. The muscles present on the posterior aspect of thigh that flex the leg and adduct and extend the thigh in human are—
(A) Semitendinosus
(B) Semimembranosus
(C) Biceps femoris
(D) All the above
44. The P-wave of the electrocardiogram is associated with—
(A) Contraction of atria
(B) Depolarization of atrial muscular tissues
(C) Contraction of ventricles
(D) Repolarization of S–A node
45. Septicemia is—
(A) Food poisoning
(B) Blood poisoning
(C) Mental disorder
(D) None of the above
46. Which of the following stops the action of acetylcholine ?
(A) Acetylcholinesterase
(B) Acetylcoenzyme-A
(C) Acetylcysteine
(D) Acetyltransferase
47. In mammalian heart, the pulmonary is powered by—
(A) Right atrium and right ventricle
(B) Left atrium and right ventricle
(C) Only right ventricle
(D) Only left ventricle
48. Dartos tunic muscle fibres occur in—
(A) Uterine wall
(B) Urethral wall
(C) Abdominal wall
(D) Scrotal wall
49. Which of these muscles help urinary bladder to expel urine forcefully ?
(A) Detrusor muscle
(B) Latissimus dorsi
(C) Hamstring muscle
(D) None of the above
50. During embryonic development in humans, morula is enclosed by—
(A) Corona radiata
(B) Zona pellucida
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Answers with Hints
1. (B) When a T cell with a CD8 protein on its surface encounters a MHC protein with a nonself antigen, the CD8 cell is activated to produce a clone of cells called cytotoxic T cells, which are also called T8 or killer cells.
2. (A) There are four characteristic brain wave patterns. Alpha waves are recorded from calm, resting conditions. It disappears entirely during sleep.
3. (D)
4. (A) Hodgkin’s disease is malignancy of lymphocyte tissue, characterized by masses of abnormal lymphocytes.
5. (B) Visual patterns, the shapes of objects and their locations in space are interpreted by right side of the brain. With the right hemisphere humans appreciate the context of an event and recognise the faces of friends and family members.
6. (B) 7. (B)
8. (C) Pituitary Nanism is another term for dwarfism or ateliosis and is due to hyposecretion of somatotrophic hormone.
9. (C) Ferritin is iron storing protein, especially in spleen, liver and bone marrow. The iron is made available when required for haemoglobin synthesis, being transferred by transferrin.
10. (C) Red tide is reddish discolouration of costal surface waters due to concentrations of certain toxin-producing dinoflagellates.
11. (A) Bone is a hard connective tissue that makes up most of the skeleton of vertebrates. The matrix is 30% protein (collagen) and 70% inorganic matter, mainly calcium phosphate.
12. (C) Guineaworm, Hookworm and Tapeworm are endoparasite, while ringworm is a skin disease caused by fungus.
13. (B)
14. (A) Interferons are proteins produced by viral infected body cells and some lymphocytes, often in response to presence of doublestranded RNA in the cell.
15. (B) Capacitation is final stage in maturation of mammalian spermatozoa, without which they cannot engage in fertilization. Substances secreted by the ovary or by the uterine lining, must be encountered for the sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction.
16. (D) Marfan syndrome is autosomal dominant abnormalities of the eyes, cardiovascular system and the skeletal system. Most persons suffering from the disease have myopia, elongated eyeballs, long and narrow extremities (spider fingers) and irregular body proportions.
17. (C) The protoplasm of the fibres of striated muscle, excluding the myofibrils, is called sarcoplasm.
18. (D)
19. (D) Corpus striatum is a structure in the cerebral hemispheres consisting of two basal ganglia (the caudate and lentiform nuclei) and the fibres of the internal capsule that separate them.
20. (C)
21. (C) As a result of nucleic acid digestion, nitrogenous organic acid bases–purines (adenine and guanine) and pyrimidines (cytocine, thymine and uracil) are absorbed from intestine into the blood. In humans, purines are changed into uric acid for excretion.
22. (D) Autonomic nervous system supplies motor nerves to the smooth muscles of the gut and internal organs and to heart muscle. It comprises the sympathetic nervous system, which when stimulated increases heart rate, breathing rate and blood pressure and slows down digestive processes, and the parasympathetic nervous system slows heart rate and promotes digestion.
23. (B) Trophoblast is epithelium, surrounding the mammalian blastocyst, forming outer layer and becoming part of extra embryonic membranes.
24. (B) At high altitudes, the composition of air remains the same as at sea level but the density of air gradually decreases. Therefore, people living at high attitudes are acclimatized to high altitude conditions due to a significant increase in RBC count and haemoglobin content in blood.
25. (D)
26. (C) In humans all teeth, except adult molars, grow twice in life. There are 20 milk teeth in child, that does not include 12 molar teeth.
27. (C) Heloderma is the only poisonous lizard of the world and commonly called gila monster.
28. (C) Wharton’s duct is the duct of the submandibular salivary gland, opening into the mouth at the side of the frenum linguae.
29. (A) The left collecterial gland secretes a soluble milky protein, while the right one secretes watery dihydroxyphenol. Both secretions combine to form a scleroprotein which forms a common egg-case, celled ootheca.
30. (C) Neuromast is one of numerous groups of sensory cells that occur in pits or canals along the lateral line system in fishes.
31. (B) Arteriosclerosis is the disease of arteries in which the wall of arteries become thickened and rigid, and blood flow is hindered.
32. (C) Brush border is the outer surface of columnar epithelial cells living the human intestine.
33. (A) Humans having ‘O’ group blood, have no blood group antigens, but possess both ‘a’ and ‘b’ antibodies.
34. (B)
35. (B) Import is the method which involves taking of food on contact of food. The food passively sinks into the body of Amoeba by rupturing the plasmalemma and ectoplasm at the point of contact.
36. (B) 37. (D)
38. (B) Preganglionic sympathetic fibres are cholinergic and release acetylcholine from its ending when stimulated.
39. (B)
40. (B) Goblets cells are merocrine (epicrine) in nature.
41. (B) 42. (B)
43. (D) Hamstrings are three muscles on the posterior aspect of the thigh, semitendinosus, semimembranous and bicep femoris. They flex the leg, adduct and extend thigh.
44. (B) Electrocardiogram is a record of the electrical activity of the heart, shows certain waves called P, Q, R, S, and T waves. The Pwave is caused by the depolarization of the atrial muscle tissues.
45. (B) Blood poisoning is a common name for an infection of the blood that is also called septicemia or toxemia.
46. (A) Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme that stops the action of acetylcholine. It is present in various body tissues.
47. (A)
48. (D) Dartos tunic is the muscular contractile tissue beneath the skin of the scrotum.
49. (A) The bladder wall contains three layers of smooth muscle, which together are called the detrusor muscle. Contraction of the detrusor muscle help expel urine forcefully from the bladder.
50. (B) The morula reaches uterus about 4 to 6 days after fertilization. It is still surrounded by the zona pellucida, that prevents its sticking to the uterine wall.
(A) Helper T cells
(B) Cytotoxic T cells
(C) Suppressor T cell
(D) None of the above
2. In humans, which brain wave pattern disappears entirely during sleep ?
(A) Alpha waves
(B) Beta waves
(C) Theta waves
(D) Delta waves
3. Which of the following is lymphatic system related disease ?
(A) Hodgkin’s disease
(B) Multiple myeloma
(C) Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
(D) All the above
4. Hodgkin’s disease is associated with—
(A) Lymphocytes
(B) Leucocytes
(C) Erythrocytes
(D) All the above
5. In humans, which side of cerebral hemisphere recognises the faces of friends and family members ?
(A) Left cerebral hemisphere
(B) Right cerebral hemisphere
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
6. Honey that has a high concentration of sugar, does not decay because—
(A) It contains natural antioxidant that prevent bacterial attack
(B) Bacteria cannot survive in an active state in a solution of high osmotic strength, as water is drawn out from honey
(C) In honey bacteria are totally deprived of oxygen
(D) None of the above
7. Prosoma in scorpion comprises—
(A) Head
(B) Head and thorax
(C) Head, thorax and abdomen
(D) Only abdomen
8. What causes Pituitary Nanism ?
(A) Hyposecretion of Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
(B) Hypersecretion of Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
(C) Hyposecretion of Somatotrophic hormone
(D) Hypersecretion of Somatotrophic hormome
9. Which of the following is ironstoring protein ?
(A) Alpha glubulin
(B) Gamma glubulin
(C) Ferritin
(D) Albumins
10. Red tide is caused by—
(A) Protozoans
(B) Corals
(C) Dinoflagellates
(D) All the above
11. The major constituent of vertebrate bone is—
(A) Calcium phosphate
(B) Calcium carbonate
(C) Sodium chloride
(D) Potassium hydroxide
12. Find the odd one out—
(A) Guineaworm
(B) Hookworm
(C) Ringworm
(D) Tapeworm
13. Taste buds located on tongue, are example of—
(A) Interoreceptors
(B) Exteroreceptors
(C) Teloreceptors
(D) Phonoreceptors
14. Body cells infected with virus produce a protein called—
(A) Interferon
(B) Properdin
(C) Gamma globulin
(D) Hybridoma
15. Capacitation of sperm in mammals involves—
(A) Sperm size change
(B) Acrosome reaction
(C) Nuclear chromatin change
(D) Mitochondrial alignment
16. Marfan syndrome is inherited as an autosomal dominant abnormality of—
(A) Eyes
(B) Cardiovascular system
(C) Skeletal system
(D) All the above
17. The cytoplasmic segment of striated muscle fibre is termed—
(A) Metamere
(B) Neuromere
(C) Sarcoplasm
(D) Sarcomere
18. Which one of the following is pandemic disease ?
(A) Amoebic dysentery
(B) Hepatitis
(C) Filariasis
(D) Influenza
19. Corpus striatum is found in—
(A) Paracoel
(B) Diocoel
(C) Metacoel
(D) Cerebral hemisphere
20. The polio virus enters the body through—
(A) Mosquito bites
(B) Tick bites
(C) Contaminated food and water
(D) Saliva and secretion from the nose
21. Products of adenine and guanine metabolism are excreted by humans as—
(A) Ammonia
(B) Urea
(C) Uric acid
(D) Allantoin
22. The rate and force of the heartbeat, the secretion of digestive glands are controlled by the—
(A) Central nervous system
(B) Spinal nerves
(C) Cranial nerves
(D) Autonomic nervous system
23. The extra embryonic membranes of mammalian embryo are derived from—
(A) Inner cell mass
(B) Trophoblast
(C) Formative cells
(D) Follicle cells
24. People who live at high altitudes have rosy cheeks because—
(A) Haemoglobin has an increased binding affinity for oxygen
(B) RBCs and haemoglobin concentration becomes considerably above the average in response to lowered oxygen pressure
(C) Rate of capillary circulation increases in the skin
(D) All the above
25. Which of the following animal belongs to phylum Mollusca ?
(A) Globe fish
(B) Star fish
(C) Silver fish
(D) Cuttle fish
26. Milk teeth in a child of 3-4 years do not include—
(A) Incisors
(B) Canines
(C) Molars
(D) Premolars
27. Which of the following is the only poisonous lizard of the world ?
(A) Ophiosaurus
(B) Varanus
(C) Heloderma
(D) Draco
28. Wharton’s duct in man is related to—
(A) Male genital organs
(B) Brunner’s gland
(C) Submandibular salivary gland
(D) All the above
29. The secretions from which of the following glands form ootheca in cockroach ?
(A) Colleterial glands
(B) Mushroom glands
(C) Phallic glands
(D) Spermatheca
30. Sensory cells that occur in the pits or canals of lateral line system of fishes are—
(A) Neurochrome
(B) Neuroglia
(C) Neuromast
(D) None of the above
31. The thickening of wall of artery is called—
(A) Aneurysm
(B) Arteriosclerosis
(C) Arthritis
(D) Both (A) and (C)
32. Lining of human intestine is—
(A) Ciliated
(B) Keratinized
(C) Brush border
(D) All the above
33. Which blood group has both 'a' and 'b' antibodies ?
(A) O
(B) AB
(C) A
(D) B
34. Glycosidic bond is broken during digestion of—
(A) Protein
(B) Starch
(C) Lipid
(D) All of these
35. Passive food ingestion in Amoeba is known as—
(A) Invagination
(B) Import
(C) Circumfluence
(D) Circumvallation
36. In gout patients, high level of one of the following is found in blood—
(A) Urea
(B) Uric acid
(C) Cholesterol
(D) All the above
37. The anion present in pancreatic juice is—
(A) Chloride
(B) Bromide
(C) Phosphate
(D) Bicarbonate
38. Preganglionic sympathetic fibres are—
(A) Adrenergic
(B) Cholinergic
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these
39. The muscles associated with the heart of insects are—
(A) Radial
(B) Alary
(C) Striped
(D) Pericardial
40. The goblet cells present in the intestinal lining are—
(A) Holocrine
(B) Merocrine
(C) Apocrine
(D) Endocrine
41. Chaga’s disease is caused by—
(A) Trypanosoma gambiense
(B) Trypanosoma cruzi
(C) Trypanosoma bruci
(D) None of the above
42. A chemical process common in the digestion of all kinds of food is—
(A) Condensation
(B) Hydrolysis
(C) Phosphorylation
(D) Emulsification
43. The muscles present on the posterior aspect of thigh that flex the leg and adduct and extend the thigh in human are—
(A) Semitendinosus
(B) Semimembranosus
(C) Biceps femoris
(D) All the above
44. The P-wave of the electrocardiogram is associated with—
(A) Contraction of atria
(B) Depolarization of atrial muscular tissues
(C) Contraction of ventricles
(D) Repolarization of S–A node
45. Septicemia is—
(A) Food poisoning
(B) Blood poisoning
(C) Mental disorder
(D) None of the above
46. Which of the following stops the action of acetylcholine ?
(A) Acetylcholinesterase
(B) Acetylcoenzyme-A
(C) Acetylcysteine
(D) Acetyltransferase
47. In mammalian heart, the pulmonary is powered by—
(A) Right atrium and right ventricle
(B) Left atrium and right ventricle
(C) Only right ventricle
(D) Only left ventricle
48. Dartos tunic muscle fibres occur in—
(A) Uterine wall
(B) Urethral wall
(C) Abdominal wall
(D) Scrotal wall
49. Which of these muscles help urinary bladder to expel urine forcefully ?
(A) Detrusor muscle
(B) Latissimus dorsi
(C) Hamstring muscle
(D) None of the above
50. During embryonic development in humans, morula is enclosed by—
(A) Corona radiata
(B) Zona pellucida
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Answers with Hints
1. (B) When a T cell with a CD8 protein on its surface encounters a MHC protein with a nonself antigen, the CD8 cell is activated to produce a clone of cells called cytotoxic T cells, which are also called T8 or killer cells.
2. (A) There are four characteristic brain wave patterns. Alpha waves are recorded from calm, resting conditions. It disappears entirely during sleep.
3. (D)
4. (A) Hodgkin’s disease is malignancy of lymphocyte tissue, characterized by masses of abnormal lymphocytes.
5. (B) Visual patterns, the shapes of objects and their locations in space are interpreted by right side of the brain. With the right hemisphere humans appreciate the context of an event and recognise the faces of friends and family members.
6. (B) 7. (B)
8. (C) Pituitary Nanism is another term for dwarfism or ateliosis and is due to hyposecretion of somatotrophic hormone.
9. (C) Ferritin is iron storing protein, especially in spleen, liver and bone marrow. The iron is made available when required for haemoglobin synthesis, being transferred by transferrin.
10. (C) Red tide is reddish discolouration of costal surface waters due to concentrations of certain toxin-producing dinoflagellates.
11. (A) Bone is a hard connective tissue that makes up most of the skeleton of vertebrates. The matrix is 30% protein (collagen) and 70% inorganic matter, mainly calcium phosphate.
12. (C) Guineaworm, Hookworm and Tapeworm are endoparasite, while ringworm is a skin disease caused by fungus.
13. (B)
14. (A) Interferons are proteins produced by viral infected body cells and some lymphocytes, often in response to presence of doublestranded RNA in the cell.
15. (B) Capacitation is final stage in maturation of mammalian spermatozoa, without which they cannot engage in fertilization. Substances secreted by the ovary or by the uterine lining, must be encountered for the sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction.
16. (D) Marfan syndrome is autosomal dominant abnormalities of the eyes, cardiovascular system and the skeletal system. Most persons suffering from the disease have myopia, elongated eyeballs, long and narrow extremities (spider fingers) and irregular body proportions.
17. (C) The protoplasm of the fibres of striated muscle, excluding the myofibrils, is called sarcoplasm.
18. (D)
19. (D) Corpus striatum is a structure in the cerebral hemispheres consisting of two basal ganglia (the caudate and lentiform nuclei) and the fibres of the internal capsule that separate them.
20. (C)
21. (C) As a result of nucleic acid digestion, nitrogenous organic acid bases–purines (adenine and guanine) and pyrimidines (cytocine, thymine and uracil) are absorbed from intestine into the blood. In humans, purines are changed into uric acid for excretion.
22. (D) Autonomic nervous system supplies motor nerves to the smooth muscles of the gut and internal organs and to heart muscle. It comprises the sympathetic nervous system, which when stimulated increases heart rate, breathing rate and blood pressure and slows down digestive processes, and the parasympathetic nervous system slows heart rate and promotes digestion.
23. (B) Trophoblast is epithelium, surrounding the mammalian blastocyst, forming outer layer and becoming part of extra embryonic membranes.
24. (B) At high altitudes, the composition of air remains the same as at sea level but the density of air gradually decreases. Therefore, people living at high attitudes are acclimatized to high altitude conditions due to a significant increase in RBC count and haemoglobin content in blood.
25. (D)
26. (C) In humans all teeth, except adult molars, grow twice in life. There are 20 milk teeth in child, that does not include 12 molar teeth.
27. (C) Heloderma is the only poisonous lizard of the world and commonly called gila monster.
28. (C) Wharton’s duct is the duct of the submandibular salivary gland, opening into the mouth at the side of the frenum linguae.
29. (A) The left collecterial gland secretes a soluble milky protein, while the right one secretes watery dihydroxyphenol. Both secretions combine to form a scleroprotein which forms a common egg-case, celled ootheca.
30. (C) Neuromast is one of numerous groups of sensory cells that occur in pits or canals along the lateral line system in fishes.
31. (B) Arteriosclerosis is the disease of arteries in which the wall of arteries become thickened and rigid, and blood flow is hindered.
32. (C) Brush border is the outer surface of columnar epithelial cells living the human intestine.
33. (A) Humans having ‘O’ group blood, have no blood group antigens, but possess both ‘a’ and ‘b’ antibodies.
34. (B)
35. (B) Import is the method which involves taking of food on contact of food. The food passively sinks into the body of Amoeba by rupturing the plasmalemma and ectoplasm at the point of contact.
36. (B) 37. (D)
38. (B) Preganglionic sympathetic fibres are cholinergic and release acetylcholine from its ending when stimulated.
39. (B)
40. (B) Goblets cells are merocrine (epicrine) in nature.
41. (B) 42. (B)
43. (D) Hamstrings are three muscles on the posterior aspect of the thigh, semitendinosus, semimembranous and bicep femoris. They flex the leg, adduct and extend thigh.
44. (B) Electrocardiogram is a record of the electrical activity of the heart, shows certain waves called P, Q, R, S, and T waves. The Pwave is caused by the depolarization of the atrial muscle tissues.
45. (B) Blood poisoning is a common name for an infection of the blood that is also called septicemia or toxemia.
46. (A) Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme that stops the action of acetylcholine. It is present in various body tissues.
47. (A)
48. (D) Dartos tunic is the muscular contractile tissue beneath the skin of the scrotum.
49. (A) The bladder wall contains three layers of smooth muscle, which together are called the detrusor muscle. Contraction of the detrusor muscle help expel urine forcefully from the bladder.
50. (B) The morula reaches uterus about 4 to 6 days after fertilization. It is still surrounded by the zona pellucida, that prevents its sticking to the uterine wall.
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