Friday, January 24, 2014

CDAC Placement Paper 1

CDAC Placement Paper :-

1. Which application uses existing CSMA/VD over existing twisted-pair cable with bandwidths of 100 mbps?

a) 10BaseF     b) 100BaseX     c) 100VG-AnyLAN     d) 10BaseFD

2. What model divides the network communication process into seven layers?

a) Layered Model     b) TCP/IP     c) OSI     d) X.25

3. B-ISDN uses fiber as a transmission medium and _______ as the switching infrastructure

a) Ethernet     b) FDDI     c) ATM     d) None of the above

4.  ______ is the only standards based technology that has been designed from the beginning to accommodate the simultaneous transmission of voice, video and data

a) Home cable network     b) Satellite TV     c) ATM     d) All of the above

5. Which of the following common LAN protocols extend to OSI network layer.

a) NetBIOS     b) NetBEUI     c) TCP/IP     d) All of the above

6. Language Primarily used for internet-based applications


7. _________ is a point at which the debugger stops during program execution and awaits a further command.

Memory Dump
Watch point<------ans
Break point
None of these options

8. ________do not contain any program logic and are ignored by the language Processor

None of these options

9. The component of data base management system is ________

Data definition Language
Data manipulation Language
Data definition Language and Data manipulation Language
None of these options

10. The quality of Algorithm is judged on the basis of_________

Time requirement
Memory Requirement
Accuracy of solution
All of these options<------ans

11. A set of rules, which enable orderly exchange of information between two devices.

a) Topology     b) Protocol     c) Transmission Media     d) None of the above

12. ISO stands for
a) International Standards Organization
b) International Organization for Standardization
c) Both of above
d) None of above

13.  Proposal for a new Internet standard is called

a) RFC     b) Internet draft     c) Draft Standard     d) Proposed Standard

14. The data sent between layers is called

a) Protocol Data Unit     b) Datagram     c) Service Data Unit     d) Packet

15. The Private Automatic Branch Exchange is an example of

a) Bus Topology     b) Ring Topology     c) Tree Topology     d) Star Topology

16. Topology, which connects every single node in the network to every other node, is

a) Star     b) Ring     c) Mesh     d) Bus

17.  Which of the following is not a hybrid topology

a) Tree     b) String     c) Bus     d) None of the above

18. The term 10Base2 indicates a network

a) 10 mbps speed, Base Band Signaling, 200 meters segment length
b) 10 mbps speed, Base Band Signaling, 200 meters maximum length
c) 10 mbps speed, Base Band Signaling, 185 meters segment length
d) None of the above

19. Coaxial cable, UTP cable, STP cable and fibre cables are popular network media today. Order these in increasing order of data security

a) Coaxial, UTP, STP, Fibre
b) UTP, Coaxial, STP, Fibre
c) UTP, STP, Coaxial, Fibre
d) None of the above

20. Bridges are simple devices that are used to connect LANs of

a) Different Architecture (eg. Ethernet to Token Ring)
b) Same architecture (eg. Ethernet to Ethernet)
c) Architecture does not matter
e) None of the above

21.The programming language that was designed for specifying algorithm

None of these options

22. _____ contains the addresses of all the records according to the contents of the field designed as the record key.


23. _________ symbol is used for Processing of data.


24. __________ is the analysis tool used for planning program logic

None of these options

25. Machine language has two part format the first part is__________ and the second part is __________


26. Advantages of using flow charts is

Effective Analysis
Efficient Coding
Time consuming
Effective Analysis and Efficient Coding<-----ans

27. The Real constants in C can be expressed in which of the following forms
Fractional form only
Exponential form only
ASCII form only
Both Fractional and Exponential forms<------ans

29. The program, which translates high-level program into its equivalent machine language program, is called
Language processor
None of these options<------ans<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->

30. Consider the following statements. i.Multiplication associates left to right ii.Division associates left to right

iii.Unary Minus associates right to left
iv.subtraction associates left to right All are true <------ans
only i and ii are true
all are false
only iii and iv are true

31. What will be the value of variable a in the following code?

unsigned char a;
a = 0xFF + 1;
printf("%d", a);
0 <------ans

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