Thursday, February 2, 2012

Delhi University (DU) B.El.Ed Sample Questions

B.El.Ed. Entrance Examination will have two sections. Section I will have multiple choice questions on Bilingual comprehension (i), Mathematical thinking and reasoning (ii), Subject knowledge (of level up to 10th class) in Science and Social Sciences (iii). Questions will test you for your thinking and understanding in different domains. In section II you will be expected to write paragraph/s on the given topic.

Below are some of the sample questions from section I. These are only some sample questions of the previous years, but the pattern may change each year.

Sample questions from Section I (i) – Bilingual Comprehension

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below :

“It is well to remember that man in many ways has not made very great progress from other animals. It may be that in certain ways some animals are superior to him. Still, we look down upon the insects as almost the lowest of living things; and yet the tiny bees have learnt the art of co-operation and sacrifice for the good of the society and the test of civilization we may say that the bees and ants are in this respect superior to man. In one of our old Sanskrit books, there is a verse, which can be translated as follows : “For the family, sacrifice the individual, for the community, the family, for the country, the community and for the soul, the whole world. What the soul is, few of us can know or tell and each one of us can interpret in a different way. But the lesson this Sanskrit verse teaches us is the same lesson of cooperation and sacrifice for the larger good.

In which respect are some animals superior to man?

(A)  Physical strength

(B)   Having no cares in their lives

(C)   Having stronger instinct for cooperation and sacrifice

(D)  Not exploiting one another

Why should we not look down upon the insects as almost the lowest of the living beings ?

(A)  Because they are of immense use to mankind
(B)  Because they can cause harm to us out of all proportion to their size
(C)  Because they have a sense of cooperation and sacrifice
(D)  Because small size does not necessarily make anything low

What lesson does the Sanskrit verse in question teach us ?

(A)             To behave well with one another
(B)             To help each other in difficulties
(C)   To inculcate the spirit of cooperation and self sacrifice for the larger good of the society
(D)             To work constantly

•   What does the expression ‘larger good’ mean ?

(A) Great good of one self
(b) A lot of good
(C)            Very excellent
(D)           Good of the society

•   Why do we say that man is not yet civilized ?

(A) Because there are disparities between the rich and the poor
(B)            Because most of us are illiterate
(C)  Because we ill-behave with one another
(D) Because most of us exploit others and lack the spirit of cooperation

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow :

It’s the quietest sounds that have most effect on us, not the loudest. In the middle of the night, I can hear a dripping tap a hundred yards away through three closed doors. I’ve been hearing little creaking noises and sounds which my imagination turns into footsteps in the middle of the night for twenty-five years in our house. How come I never hear those sounds in the daytime?

•   How does the author relate to sounds at night?

(A) He imagines sounds that do not exist.
(B)            He exaggerates quiet sounds.
(C)            He thinks taps should be turned off.
(D) He believes it’s rather quiet at night.

•    Why do you think the writer does not hear these sounds during the day?

(A)           Because it is noisy during the day.
(B)  Because actually these sounds do not exist.
(C)            Because we hear only quiet sounds.
(D) Because his imagination works better at night.

Sample questions from Section I (ii)- Mathematical Thinking and Reasoning

•   The next number in the following series is

1     1/4, 1/9, 1/16, 1/25 ?

(A)                   1/36
(B)                    1/50
(C)                    1/48
(D)                   1/30

•   A’s salary is reduced by 10%.   In order to have the salary back to the same position, it must be raised by

(A)            8%

(B)            10%

(C)            11 1/9 %

(D)            12.5%

•   You have 59 cubic blocks.  What is the minimum number that needs to be taken away in order  to construct a solid cube with none left over ?

(A)           5

(B)            11

(C)            17

(D)           32

•   Which of the following statements is false ?

(A)            There are 19 natural numbers between 5 and 25.
(B)            There are infinite real numbers between 11 and 12.
(C)            There    are    finite    irrational numbers between 100 and 150.
(D)      There    are    infinite    fractions between 1 and 2.

•   A square and circle have the same perimeter. Which of the following is true?

(A) The area of the square would be greater than that of the circle.

(B)  Area of the square would be less than that of the circle.

(C)            Both would have equal areas.

(D) Of the two, whose area is greater will depend on the length of radius of the circle.

Sample questions from Section I (iii) – Science and Social science

•   If the time of sunrise in Arunachal Pradesh is 6:00 a.m., what will be the probable time of sunrise in Saurashtra ?

(A)           5.30 a.m.

(B)            6.30 a.m.

(C)            7.00 a.m.

(D)           8.00 a.m.

•   When we drink milk from a bottle with a straw:

(A)  We create a vacuum that sucks
in the liquid from the bottle.

(B)   We balance the pressure inside
the straw with the atmospheric
pressure outside.

(C)   The milk reaches our mouth
because it rises in the straw by
capillary action.

(D)  We suck the air inside the straw
and the atmospheric   pressure
outside pushes the liquid into it.

•   We hear echo of sound in a large hall but not in a small room because :

(A)            There is noise in large hall.

(B)  Sound in the room is reflected by
the walls and goes away

(C)  Walls of hall reflect sound which
is heart after a gap of time

(D)            The statement is not true

•   Among humans,  an increase in the rate of    respiration and heartbeat results when the blood contains

(A)            too little glucose

(B)            too little oxygen

(C)            too much carbondioxide

(D)            too much nitrogenous waste

•   What will happen to photosynthesis when a green  plant is given green light ?

(A) There will  be  faster rate  of photosynthesis.

(B)  Rate of photosynthesis will not be affected.

(C)  Rate of photosynthesis will be decreased.

(D)            There will be no photosynthesis.

•   Examine the three statements :

(i) Changes in styles of clothing are linked up with shifts in cultural tastes and    notions of beauty,

with changes within the economy and society, and with issues of social and political conflict.

(ii) Changes in women’s clothing came about as a result of the two world wars. Bright colours faded from sight and clothes became plainer and simpler as the war dragged on.

(iii)As gymnastics and games entered the school curriculum for women, they had to wear long clothes that did not hamper movement. Besides, the ornamentation was also encouraged.

(A) All the three statements are correct

(B)  All the three statements are incorrect.

(C)  Only statements (i) and (ii) are correct

(D) Only statements (ii) and (iii) are correct

Consider the reasons for choosing strategic places to build a fort :

(i)           Besides a river, so that while the enemy is struggling to cross the river, there is time to attack them.

(ii)         On a hill top, so one can see the approaching enemy attack.

(iii)        On the coast or seashore, because the enemy can be spotted far out in the open sea.

(A)     All the three reasons are correct

(B)     Only (i) is correct

(C)     Both (i) and (ii) are correct

(D)     Both (ii) and (iii) are correct (A)

•   You wish to understand    India’s struggle for independence. Which of the following is the least suitable source ?

(A)             Novels    written    by    Munshi Premchand

(B)             Census Reports

(C)             Punch marked coins

(D)             Oral records of an octogenarian jailor

• Which of the following is not an instance of an exercise of a fundamental right ?

(A)    Workers from Bihar go to Punjab to work on the farms

(B)    Christian missions set up a chain of missionary schools

(C)    Men and women government employees get the same salary

(D)    Parents property is inherited by their children

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