Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Accounting Interview Questions

Talk us through your till date candidature achievements?
Explain the reason why are you leaving your current organization?
From which institute have you completed your high level educational qualifications?
Explain the format to prepare MIS report? How do you define bank reconciliation?
What is liability to pay? Differentiate between liability to pay and obligation to pay?
Discuss “payable” in accounts? How this term does is mentioned in accounts book?
What sort of information do you need to approve an invoice for payment?
How many invoices can you handle in a month?
Describe billable and non- billable expenses of an organization?
Explain the difference between consignee and consigner? What do you mean by Open Item Managed Account?
What are your long term objectives and where would you like to see yourself after five years in accounts field?
How do you create a purchase order? Explain payment mechanism work?
What do you understand by parked report?

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