Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Chhattisgarh Pre. B.Ed. Exam. 2008

Chhattisgarh Pre. B.Ed. Exam. 2008 Teaching Aptitude

1. Most important work of teacher is—
(A) to organize teaching work
(B) to deliver lecture in class
(C) to take care of children
(D) to evaluate the students
2. A teacher should be—
(A) Honest
(B) Dilligent
(C) Dutiful
(D) Punctual
3. Environmental education should be taught in schools because—
(A) it will affect environmental pollution
(B) it is important part of life
(C) it will provide job to teachers
(D) we cannot escape from environment
4. Navodaya Schools have been established to—
(A) increase number of school in rural areas
(B) provide good education in rural areas
(C) complete ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’
(D) check wastage of education in rural areas
5. At primary level, it is better to teach in mother language because—
(A) it develops self-confidence in children
(B) it makes learning easy
(C) it is helpful in intellectual development
(D) it helps children in learning in natural atmosphere
6. Women are better teacher at primary level because—
(A) they behave more patiently with children
(B) they are ready to work with low salary
(C) higher qualification is not needed in this profession
(D) they have less chances in other profession
7. You have been selected in all the four professions given below. Where would you like to go ?
(A) Teacher
(B) Police
(C) Army
(D) Bank
8. What is most important while writing on blackboard ?
(A) Good writing
(B) Clarity in writing
(C) Writing in big letters
(D) Writing in small letters
9. Some students send a greeting card to you on teacher’s day. What will you do ? You will—
(A) do nothing
(B) say thanks to them
(C) ask them to not to waste money
(D) reciprocate the good wishes to them
10. A student comes late in your class. Then you will—
(A) inform to parents
(B) punish him
(C) try to know the reason
(D) not pay attention there
11. When the students become failed, it can be understood that—
(A) The system has failed
(B) The teachers failure
(C) The text-books failure
(D) The individual student’s failure
12. It is advantage of giving home work that students—
(A) remain busy at home
(B) study at home
(C) may be checked for their progress
(D) may develop habit of self study
13. In computers, the length of a word is measured in—
(A) Bit
(B) Byte
(C) Millimeter
(D) None of these
14. Who is known as ‘father of computer’ ?
(A) B. Pascal
(B) H. Hollerith
(C) Charles Babbage
(D) J. V. Neumann
15. A teacher has serious defect is he/she—
(A) is physically handicapped
(B) belongs to low socio-economic status
(C) has weak personality
(D) has immature mental development
116. The success of teacher is—
(A) high achievement of students
(B) good traits of his/her personality
(C) his/her good teaching
(D) his/her good character
17. A Deepawali fair is being organized in your school. What would you like to do ?
(A) only to visit the fair
(B) to take part in function
(C) to take a shop to sell something
(D) to distribute free water to visitors
18. The most important trait of a student is—
(A) sense of responsibility
(B) to speak truth
(C) co-operation
(D) obedience
19. The purpose of basic education scheme is—
(A) universalization of primary education
(B) to vocationalise the eduction
(C) to fulfil basic need of persons through education
(D) to make education compulsory for all
20. You are teaching a topic in class and a student ask a question unrelated to the topic. What will you do ?
(A) you will allow him to ask unrelated question
(B) you will not allow him to ask unrealated question
(C) you will consider it indiscipline and punish him
(D) you will answer the question after the class
21. If you are unable to get a job of teacher, then you will—
(A) start giving tuition at home
(B) remain at home till you get a job
(C) take some another job
(D) continue applying for teaching
22. A teacher can motivate the students by—
(A) giving suitable prizes
(B) giving proper guidance
(C) giving examples
(D) delivering speech in class
23. If a student does not pay any respect to you, then you will—
(A) ignore him
(B) award less marks in examination
(C) talk to his/her parents
(D) rebuke him
24. National Literacy Mission was established in—
(A) 1996
(B) 1988
(C) 1999
(D) 2000
25. The aim of National Council for teacher education is—
(A) to open college of education
(B) to promote research in education
(C) to maintain standards in colleges of education
(D) to provide grant to colleges of education
26. Kindergarten system of education was contributed by—
(A) T. P. Nunn
(B) Spencer
(C) Froebel
(D) Montessori
27. ‘National Council of Educational Research and Training’ was established in—
(A) 1961
(B) 1962
(C) 1963
(D) 1964
28. Essay type test are not reliable because—
(A) their answers are different
(B) their results are different
(C) their checking is affected by examiner’s mood
(D) their responding styles are different
29. A guardian never comes to see you in school.
You will—
(A) ignore the child
(B) write to the guardian
(C) go to meet him youself
(D) start punishing the child
30. To maintain interest among students in class, a teacher should—
(A) use blackboard
(B) discuss
(C) tell stories
(D) ask question
31. The purpose of new education policy is—
(A) to provide equal opportunity of education to all
(B) to improve the whole education system
(C) to link the education with employment
(D) to delink the degree with education
32. To raise the standard of education, it is necessary—
(A) to evaluate students continuously
(B) to give high salary to teachers
(C) to revise curriculum
(D) to make good school building
33. What is most important for a teacher ?
(A) to maintain discipline in class
(B) to be punctual in class
(C) to remove difficulties of students
(D) to be good orator
34. Why students should play games in school ?
(A) It makes them physically strong
(B) It makes work easier for teachers
(C) It helps in passing time
(D) It develops co-operation and physical balance
35. Family is a means of—
(A) Informal education
(B) Formal education
(C) Non-formal education
(D) Distance education
36. There is tension among villagers and you are teacher there. What will you do ?
(A) You will inform “Gram Pradhan”
(B) You will try to pacify them
(C) You will report to police
(D) You will keep distance from them
37. A teacher can develop social values among students by—
(A) telling them about great people
(B) developing sense of discipline
(C) behaving ideally
(D) telling them good stories
38. What will you do in leisure time in school ?
You will—
(A) take rest in teacher’s room
(B) read magazines in library
(C) talk to clerks in office
(D) check home work of students
39. A teacher asks the questions in the class to—
(A) keep students busy
(B) maintain discipline
(C) attract student’s attention
(D) teach
40. You like teaching profession because—
(A) it has less responsibility
(B) you are interested in it
(C) it is easy
(D) it provide you more holidays
41. How the students should be motivated to get success in life ?
(A) Selected study
(B) Incidental study
(C) Intensive study
(D) Learning by recitation
42. In context of the habit of Absenteeism of student—
(A) The principal and parents should get worried
(B) The officials of the schools should take action against them as per school’s discipline
(C) The teachers should take it as a serious problem
(D) They should be given less priority in the class room in relation to regular students
43. To whom the responsibility of organisation of curricular activities should be stored with ?
(A) The principal
(B) The teacher who is appointed for this work
(C) The teachers who take interest in it
(D) All the teachers
44. When the students try to solve the questions in some different way as taught by the teacher from prescribed books, then these students should be—
(A) Discouraged to consult some other books on the subject
(B) Encouraged to consult some other books on the subject
(C) Suggested to talk with their teacher after the period
(D) Suggested to follow the class room notes in order to get good mark in the examination
45. The experienced teachers do not require the detailed lesson plan of a topic because—
(A) They can teach in a good manner without its help
(B) The number of curious students is very poor in the class
(C) When they commit some mistake, they do not face any challange from their students
(D) They can equip themselves with brief outline as they gain specialisation in it through experience
46. The problem of drop-out in which students leave their schooling in early years can be tackled in a better way through—
(A) Reduction of the weight of curriculum
(B) Sympathy of teachers
(C) Attractive environment of the school
(D) Encouragement of the students
47. The ideal teacher—
(A) Teaches the whole curriculum
(B) Helps his students in learning
(C) Is a friend, philosopher and guide
(D) Maintains good discipline
48. The aim of education should be—
(A) To develop vocational skills in the students
(B) To develop social awareness in the students
(C) To prepare the students for examination
(D) To prepare the students for practical life
49. The best method of checking student’s homework is—
(A) To assign it to intelligent students of the class
(B) To check the answers in the class in group manner
(C) To check them with the help of specimen answer
(D) To check by the teacher himself in a regular way
50. A time bound testing programme for a students should be implemented in Shools so that—
(A) The progress of the students should be informed to their parents
(B) A regular practice can be carried out
(C) The students can be trained for final examinations
(D) The remedial programme can be adopted on the basis of the feedback from the results
51. The essential element of the syllabus for the children remained out of school should be—
(A) Literacy competencies
(B) Life-skills
(C) Numerical competencies
(D) Vocational competencies
52. The contribution of taxpayers in Primary education is in the form of—
(A) Income Tax
(B) Tuition Fee
(C) Paying money for individual tution
(D) Educational cess
53. The priority to girls education should be given because—
(A) The girls are more intelligent in comparison than the boys
(B) The girls are lesser in number than boys
(C) The girls were badly discriminated in favour of boys in the past
(D) Only girls are capable of leading for social change
54. The success of integrated education depends on—
(A) The support of community
(B) The excellence of text-books
(C) The highest quality of teaching-learning material
(D) The attitudinal changes in teachers
55. The quality of schools education is exclusively depending upon—
(A) Infrastructural facilities
(B) Financial provisions
(C) International support
(D) The quality of teacher education
56. The idea of Basic Education is propounded by—
(A) Dr. Zakir Hussain
(B) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(C) Mahatma Gandhi
(D) Rabindranath Tagore
57. The most important indicator of quality of education in a school is—
(A) Infrastructural facilities of a school
(B) Classroom system
(C) Text-books and Teaching-learning material
(D) Student Achievement level
58. The best remedy of the student’s problems related with learning is—
(A) Suggestion for hard work
(B) Supervised study in Library
(C) Suggestion for private tuition
(D) Diagnostic teaching
59. The in-service teacher’ training can be made more effective by—
(A) Using training package which in wellprepared in advance
(B) Making it a residential programme
(C) Using co-operative approach
(D) Practising training followup procedures
60. Child Labour Prohibition Act (1986)—
(A) Prohibits all types of child labour upto 14 years of age of child
(B) Prohibits child labour in risk-taking works only
(C) Prohibits child labour during school hours only
(D) Prohibits child labour by imposing the responsibility of children’s education on the employers
1. (A) 2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (D) 6. (A) 7. (A) 8. (A) 9. (B) 10. (C)
11. (D) 12. (D) 13. (A) 14. (C) 15. (D) 16. (C) 17. (B) 18. (D) 19. (C) 20. (D)
21. (D) 22. (A) 23. (A) 24. (B) 25. (C) 26. (C) 27. (A) 28. (C) 29. (C) 30. (D)
31. (B) 32. (A) 33. (C) 34. (D) 35. (A) 36. (B) 37. (C) 38. (D) 39. (C) 40. (B)
41. (C) 42. (C) 43. (A) 44. (B) 45. (D) 46. (D) 47. (C) 48. (D) 49. (D) 50. (D)
51. (D) 52. (D) 53. (D) 54. (B) 55. (D) 56. (C) 57. (D) 58. (D) 59. (D) 60. (A)
General Knowledge
61. Who is the author of the book “Chhattisgarh Geet Sangraha, Antas Ke Geet” ?
(A) Brij Mohan Agarwal
(B) Rajesh Chouhan
(C) Devendra Verma
(D) Dr. Raman Singh
62. The highest dam in India, Bhakra, is built ozn—
(A) Vyas river
(B) Jhelum river
(C) Sutlej river
(D) Ghaghara river
63. The currency of Myanmar is—
(A) Dollar
(B) Rupee
(C) Taka
(D) Kyat
64. Which is the smallest country (in population) ?
(A) Vatican city
(B) Nauru
(C) Monaco
(D) Palau
65. Who is associated with the term ‘Loknayak’ in India ?
(A) Lala Lajpat Rai
(B) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(C) Jay Prakash Narayan
(D) Madan Mohan Malviya
66. Which of the following sites has been included in UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites ?
(A) Chilka Lake
(B) Dal Lake
(C) Nagin Lake
(D) Sunderbans National Park
67. Which country won the ICC Twenty-20 World Cup ?
(A) India
(B) Pakistan
(C) Australia
(D) England
68. Indravati National Park is situated on the banks of river—
(A) Mahanadi
(B) Sone
(C) Ganga
(D) Indravati
69. Which water reservoir is the highest in Chhattisgarh ?
(A) Minimata Reservoir
(B) Ravishankar Reservoir
(C) Sondhoor Reservoir
(D) Kodar Reservoir
70. Who, out of the following, was the first recipient of Bharat Ratna Award ?
(A) B.C. Roy
(B) S. Chandrashekhar
(C) C.V. Raman
(D) Gobind Ballabh Pant
71. Trans-Siberian Railway terminals are—
(A) Moscow and Vladivostok
(B) St. Petersburg and Vladivostok
(C) Moscow and Krasnoyarsk
(D) St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk
72. Largest Mica deposits are in—
(A) South Africa
(B) India
(D) Australia
73. Heat stored in water vapour is—
(A) Specific heat
(B) Latent heat
(C) Absolute heat
(D) Relative heat
74. Force of deflection was first discovered by—
(A) Coriolis
(B) Ferrel
(C) Thornthwaite
(D) Koeppen
75. Contours are imaginary lines showing—
(A) places of equal atmospheric pressure
(B) same temperature areas
(C) places of equal altitudes
(D) equal sunshine areas
76. Which State of India has the largest area ?
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Rajasthan
77. The fertile land between two rivers is called—
(A) Watershed
(B) Water divide
(C) Doab
(D) Tarai
78. At which place Chhattisgarh’s Super Thermal Power Station is located ?
(A) Raigarh
(B) Dantewada
(C) Korba
(D) Bhilai
79. Which of the following state has won the 2007 UNDP Award for Human Development Report in the category of Excellence in Participation and capacity building process ?
(A) Bihar
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Haryana
(D) Chhattisgarh
80. Which of the following pairs (Sanctuaries and districts) is not properly matched ?
(A) Achanakmar—Bilaspur
(B) Badalkhol—Jashpur
(C) Gomerda—Raigarh
(D) Udanti—Sarguja
81. The Unitary System of Government possesses which of the following advantages ?
(A) Greater adaptability
(B) Strong State
(C) Greater participation by the people
(D) Lesser chances of authoritarianism
82. Which one of the following is not an element of the State ?
(A) Population
(B) Land
(C) Army
(D) Government
83. According to the Indian Constitution, the Ministers shall hold office during the pleasure of the—
(A) President of India
(B) Prime Minister of India
(C) Parliament
(D) Supreme Court
84. The Parliament consists of—
(A) President, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
(B) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
(C) Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha
(D) Vidhan Sabha, Vidhan Parishad and Lok Sabha
85. Who decides whether a bill is a Money Bill or not ?
(A) President
(B) Prime Minister
(C) Finance Minister
(D) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
86. Which of the following is called the ‘powerhouse’ of the cell ?
(A) Nucleus
(B) Lysosome
(C) Chromosome
(D) Mitochondrion
87. Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is caused by—
(A) protozoa
(B) virus
(C) fungus
(D) bacteria
88. Which of the following processes does not increase the amount of cabron dioxide in air ?
(A) Breathing
(B) Photosynthesis
(C) Burning of petrol
(D) Aerobic decay of vegetation
89. The vitamin that is most readily manufactured in our bodies is—
(A) vitamin A
(B) vitamin B
(C) vitamin C
(D) vitamin D
90. Which of the following metals occurs in free state ?
(A) Copper
(B) Iron
(C) Zinc
(D) Lead
91. The World Trade Organisation was formed in—
(A) 1991
(B) 1995
(C) 1997
(D) 1999
92. A Trade Policy consists of—
(A) Export-Import Policy
(B) Licencing Policy
(C) Foreign Exchange Policy
(D) Balance of Payment Policy
93. Which bank in India performs duties of Central Bank ?
(A) Central Bank of India
(B) State Bank of India
(C) Reserve Bank of India
(D) Above (A) and (B)
94. The Swarajya Party was formed following the failure of—
(A) Non-Cooperation Movement
(B) Civil Disobedience Movement
(C) Quit India Movement
(D) Champaran Satyagraha
95. The largest standing army of the Sultanate, directly paid by the State, was created by—
(A) Iltutmish
(B) Alauddin Khalji
(C) Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
(D) Sikander Lodi
96. With which of the following centres of learning, Chanakya the famous teacher of Chandragupta Maurya, was associated ?
(A) Takshashila
(B) Nalanda
(C) Vikramashila
(D) Vaishali
97. Who among the following Rajput kings defeated Muhammad Ghori for the first time ?
(A) Prithviraj III
(B) Chalukya Bhim
(C) Jaichandra
(D) Kumar Pal
98. The Headquarters of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) is located at—
(A) Paris (France)
(B) Geneva (Switzerland)
(C) New York (USA)
(D) Bangkok (Thailand)
99. ‘The Federal System with Strong Centre’ has been borrowed by the Indian Constitution from—
(A) United States of America
(B) Canada
(C) United Kingdom
(D) France
100. ‘Thomas Cup’ is associated with which game/sports ?
(A) Hockey
(B) Football
(C) Basketball
(D) Badminton
Answers :
61. (B) 62. (C) 63. (D) 64. (A) 65. (C) 66. (D) 67. (A) 68. (D) 69. (A) 70. (C)
71. (A) 72. (B) 73. (B) 74. (A) 75. (C) 76. (D) 77. (C) 78. (C) 79. (D) 80. (D)
81. (B) 82. (C) 83. (A) 84. (D) 85. (D) 86. (D) 87. (B) 88. (B) 89. (D) 90. (A)
91. (B) 92. (A) 93. (C) 94. (A) 95. (B) 96. (A) 97. (B) 98. (A) 99. (B) 100. (D)

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